Sunday, April 14, 2024

Not three, but four new pairs of earrings by Wings.

Photo copyright Aji, 2024;
all rights reserved.

I've been promising new earrings for a couple of days now, and here they are:  Not three, but four new pairs of earrings by Wings.

Three are wrought in the same shape and style, long, dangling drops of hand-milled, saw-cut lightweight silver. The third pair are a continuation of an informal series, the last pair like this created two or three years ago, IIRC. All four are solid silver, no stones, all offered at much lower price points than most of his work.

The first three pairs are milled on the front side, etched on the reverse. The first is the one you see above, and the photo immediately below shows that etchwork on the back, very fine, just enough to texturize the whole surface:

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

This pair is called Feathers of Rain and Light, a reference to the wand-like, wing-like design of the millwork pattern. They hang 2-5/8" long, excluding earring wires, and are roughly a half-inch across at the widest point. You can read their full description here

The second pair is milled in a different pattern, one of Art Nouveau-meets-Flower Power florals (and yes, there was glare from the light in the studio; I'll retake it when I have time), which is not now: 

Photo copyright Aji, 2024;
all rights reserved.

This pair is called, aptly enough, Falling Petals. The edges of those millwork petal patterns rise in sharp relief, and as you can see, they catch the light beautifully. These are also etched on the reverse in the same fine, subtle all-over pattern. You can read their full description here.

The third pair is, I think, my own personal favorite. They're unique, each drop's pattern [deliberately] distinctive from the other, and it creates an incredibly cool effect:

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

This pair is called Branches and Bark, and you can guess just by looking at them which is which. They really remind me of willows, with the bold, looping whorls of the bark and the frond-like flared softness of the leafy branches. These, too, are etched in the same way on the reverse. You can read their full description here.

Finally, it's the fourth pair, very different from all the rest, but instantly recognizeable:

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

Wings has created peace-sign earrings several times over the years [I have a pair myself, actually]. This pair is called The Light of Peace, and like all the others, they're saw-cut completely freehand, which ensures subtle but visible differences in every pair. No etchwork on these, just plain highly-buffed sterling silver. You can read their full description here.

As always, Wings's main page is hereInquiries via the site's Contact formWe're now well into the fourth [and by far most costly] month of this new calendar year and complications and costs carried over from the end of last year have completely wiped us out. We need to make consistent sales urgently, so shares are very much needed and much appreciated. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.    

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