Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The fault of these trickster winds.

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

Very little snow left now.

Still cold, though.  That's the fault of these trickster winds. 

They're partly to blame, too, for the drastic increase in my symptoms, but not entirely. I'm having a lot of left shoulder and upper back pain, and if it doesn't diminish with restabilizing my chemo dose [i.e., upping it back to where it's supposed to be, since the pharmacy's fuckery means I'm rationing at the lowest dose per week right now] in a couple of weeks, then I'm guessing it's going to mean testing. Expensive testing. A lot of it. Could be anything; could be nothing.  Could be something I really don't want to think about.

Anyway, back to wins where we can get them. We made a couple of sales over the weekend, and I was feeling so much better about things . . . and then it became obvious that Wings's replacement tumbler [which we had to buy last week, because his 30+-year-old one gave up the ghost completely] is NOT going to work. No one had a replacement for his in stock, so we got one of the cheap[ish] ones, but it's really not meant for this kind of work. What his old tumbler can do in under a day, this one takes a week or more of continuous running, which is just not workable.  It'll burn out the motor in nothing flat, at that rate, never mind all the rest of the problems with that approach.

So the other day, I finally found one in stock like his. Just one. Nobody else has any, and no other models. And $563 cash later, it's arrived, and it's the right one.

But that's an expense I was NOT anticipating, and it just sucked up all our progress.

So nothing's changed. Through it all, somehow, I have to bring in sales. If you're in the market, now would be a really, REALLY good time. And I did get the four new pairs of earrings up a few nights ago, hereherehere [already sold!], and here [these are my personal favorites]. There will be many more pairs to come; he's got 5-7 in process on his workbench already. I have a new pendant and a new ring to post, possibly tonight, more likely tomorrow. And if you missed the Northern Lights last week? He has a brand-new wearable gemstone-bead version, so that you can have them with you always, so be on the lookout for that trio. Some of the beads glow under UV light, and I'm battling with the UV light batteries at the moment; hopefully, up tomorrow, if I can get the damn light to work. And as always, all the regular links are listed below, with sales, as always, being the most important:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (Apparently the FlexTape is the priority now, so I'm told; otherwise, Amazon cards are most important now, because they go to buy things we can't get locally, like the protein mixes for Wings and GF stuff for me and all the cleaning and other household products that people in cities can get but we can't; and also the filters for the air purifiers, because we have only one left and the amount of dust and dirt they take in in these winds is indescribable); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim 2023, and with this year starting off MUCH worse (and given that we're already approaching the half-way mark), we really need to get 2024 onto a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                         

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