Sunday, September 15, 2024

The labor is endless.

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

That was just a half-hour ago; around here, the labor is endless. He's been dividing his time between cranking out work in the studio and doing daily chores, seasonal repairs, and winter prep outside. I've been doing the indoor/non-artist counterpart, which is to say, constant work chasing sales coupled with housework and the endless bureaucratic bullshit.

There are never enough hours in the day, I never get enough sleep [or any at all], and I cannot bring in enough income, sales or otherwise. I didn't bring in a single sale last week, and I was already down on the month; now I have to bring in at least two this week, preferably more like double that.

Recent patterns leave me, shall we say, less than hopeful.

The rest of the month [hell, the rest of the year] is going to be geared around making sales, because I don't have a choice about that. No sales yet this week, and I'm so tired after all the nonsense of this year to date, but I can't let up, because so far, we're not even breaking even on the year, and I will have to worry about next year's tax bill soon enough. I need to bring in at least on sale this week, preferably two or even three. And Spirit knows he's got a ton of new work up on the site (with a new naja pendant [hopefully up tonight], a new dual-strand cuff [also hopefully up tonight], a new big necklace to be finished shortly, too, as well as, eventually some new coil bracelets soon, in addition to all those new earrings, including those five pairs of Picasso jasper cabs from yesterday):

  • Completed just last weekend, two absolutely phenomenal new cuffs, here and here;
  • Completed the previous weekend, an all-new wristband, here;
  • One extraordinary new belt buckle set with an incredible Skystone, here;
  • Another new vintage-style cuff with a mysterious Skystone, here;
  • Three new pairs of earrings in his gemstone-bead series, herehere, and here;
  • Three new cuffs from last week, two set with incredible turquoise focals, one solid silver; go herehere, and here.
  • Six pairs of new concha floral earrings in the Earrings Gallery here [larger are garnet, golden rutilated quartz, and malachite; smaller are amber, carnelian, and iolite];
  • Art Deco Labradorite cuff here 
  • Triangle wire youth bangle here
  • Art Nouveau vine pattern-wire youth bangle here
  • Small Art Nouveau pattern-wire bangle pair here
  • Malachite butterfly/leaf-wing earrings here
  • A big solid silver classic cuff here
  • Ten new pairs of the gemstone-bead earrings are also up in the Earrings Gallery;
  • And another new cuff is also here

There's more on the way very soon. And I need to sell them all, because I still need to make multiple sales daily for us to catch up on the year [and that's just breaking even] and cover all the stuff still in the pipeline that needs covering [roof, more medical, etc.]. So: GO BUY! PLEASE! Links are here:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (Priority is that solar panel set for the generator at the top of the list; part of prepping for a hard winter. Next to that, Amazon cards are probably most useful at this point); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim year, this one already far worse than the last, we really need to get what's left of 2024 onto a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                 

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