Monday, October 12, 2015

Quick and Dirty Update

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
UPDATE:  Aaaaaand we're looking at roughly $1,600 for the first load of adobe pallets (including delivery up here) — by the end of the week, if we can fund it. That doesn't include the necessary cinder blocks and cement fill and other foundational materials, nor the lumber for the frame, so I'm guessing somewhere between $2,500 and $3,000, all told, for that step, but they say they can do it immediately, if we can come up with the cash. 

And I do mean dirty. 

Plumbing guys showed up between 8:30 and 9:00 this morning to install the sensor.

It's never that easy.

There's something else wrong, something they're not able to get to work; I've been busy with other tasks, and so haven't been able to listen to details. Wings did tell me that they discovered that, during last Monday's install of the new pump, they used an incorrect part for something and something on it broke. That probably explains the sedimentation problem we've been getting, hence the use of "dirty": In the morning when load the pump for the first time, the water's nearly crystal-clear, but it gets progressively cloudier throughout the day, until by 4:30 to 5:00 in the evening, when it's brown. Dirt. Mud.

[Sigh] so, we'll see. No idea what this is all going to run by the time we're done; I'd pegged the earlier estimate pretty much dead-on, but now we've got more costs that will be added.

The pit run is being delivered a little today, probably all in one run, dropped in two places. I'll post the before-and-after pix this evening. The portable building that houses the gallery is scheduled to be moved around midday tomorrow. Fortunately for us, around here, today is just another Monday for a lot of businesses.

I really didn't think any of it would happen this fast. We're going to be ready to pour a foundation before my birthday, at this rate. Assuming we have sufficient cash in hand to pay for it, that is. If so, the frame and adobe work (again, assuming $$) can begin before the month is out, probably.

It'll probably be late in the day, more likely tonight, before I have our regular posts up, much less updates on the home-building project; I'm about to be inundated with other tasks. But I will update as soon as I can.

Many thanks once again to everyone who made this possible. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. So happy you made the initial goal! Do you have the option of extending it again on YouCaring since the timeframe isn't over and you may have additional costs from the well?

  2. Well, I know you're excited, but don't get too hopeful about getting too many steps going too quickly :) I'm sure you'll have more repeat donors, but I suspect some of us won't be able to donate more than once a month or so, and maybe not as much at a time as before. You'll get there, even if you don't get farther than the foundation before your birthday :)

  3. BTW, UPS claims to have delivered the bags of dog food, so I assume they're sitting at the non-PO Box address for you to pick up.
