Sunday, August 7, 2016

I am beat. I need a hand with links.

Photo copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved.

No, we don't have the rain tonight — yet. The lightning's moving in now, getting closer and more frequent. 

We also don't have the resources to keep this going. I can't manufacture funding out of thin air, much as I wish it were possible. At this point, I have essentially one day — one. day. — to get us to our next mini-goal (which is just shy of $2K). If I can't manage it, I don't like to think about what that will mean for this week, not only in terms of progress on the house, but more importantly, for the crew.

I need people to share the links. I'm not even asking anyone who's reading this to donate. A lot of you have already done so, and we're profoundly grateful for it. But we need, and desperately, to expand the pool of people who will see the YouCaring page. Most of all, we need to expand the pool of people who will see it via the widgets on the page itself, so that they will see the story up front, along with this image:

The last few days have been . . . difficult. I'm way overextended; we both are. Exhausted, physically and mentally. And the pressure that accompanies this sort of juggling act, especially knowing that there are people depending on me to make it work somehow with no means to do so, is draining all of my reserves very fast.

So please, just . . . please. Keep sharing the link. Keep sharing the one to Wings's site, too; consistent sales reduce the need for relying on crowdfunding. If I sound desperate, that's because at this point, I am. We need to be out of this tin can before another winter hits. I can't go through the risk of another fire, and for a variety of other reasons, we simply can't do this another year.


All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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