Yes, there are a few new photos, but I can't show them to you. No matter how much I delete, my laptop insists that it has no space, and I'm so exhausted at this point that if I try to fight with it any more, I will completely lose it. I'm not equipped to battle technology when I'm already battling this level of fatigue and pain.
I have to try to find a way to get window and door costs compiled tomorrow, but it's not looking promising. I need more hours in the day, and instead, I'm getting fewer every day, given that we're at about ten hours of official daylight now. The upshot is that I'm going to need to raise quite a bit by early November, and that means shares. We need an all-out push on sharing the link to our YouCaring page via the widgets on it, particularly the widget code at lower right that produces the image above.
We also need an all-out push on shares of Wings's site. Given his current workload, folks who plan on commissioning holiday gifts should get hold of me now to get their orders in the pipeline. The creative process takes time, and he'll be juggling multiple orders between now the drop-dead date in December after which it becomes too late to ship them in time.
Many thanks to everyone who's helped in one way or another (or many different ways) to get us to this point. I'm sorry I'm not more use right now, but the change of weather has blown my autoimmune disease into full flare: I can barely walk, can't keep my balance, and my brain shuts down as much as my body. I'm not going to be good for much of anything until it settles down again. Even so, I have to maintain this pace where these late phases of construction are concerned, because we need to have it closed in before the first storm. Bear with me, please.
All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.
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