Thursday, March 9, 2023

Grass is always greener.

Photo copyright Aji, 2023; all rights reserved.

Yeah, yeah.  Grass is always greener.

No grass, though; not here, not there. Miika's looking better, at least; some of the weight has come off, and her mane and tail are fuller. The forefeet, though . . . I don't know if we're ever going to get her to a point where that's remotely fixed.

The eternal problem of rescues.

Hell, I can't even fix myself. 

Really bad experience last night. Might have identified a trigger; might be no trigger at all. I've suspected for a while now that my diseases are progressing, which in this case means doing permanent damage that can't be undone. I'm currently waiting for a particular test kit to see whether I have one type of organ damage to worry about or not, given that I've been having some . . . symptoms? maybe just "manifestations" is more neutral, I don't know . . . anyway, whatever, it's enough to cause concern, and I'm not going to worry Wings with it until I know whether there's anything to worry about. If there is, though, it opens me up to a whole new round of hugely expensive (4- and possibly 5-figure) tests (multiple) and treatments (also multiple), probably all requiring travel to Santa Fe or Albuquerque.

Either that or I just let it progress. Which shortens my lifespan by a lot, if that's what's going on here. But sometimes the treatment is worse than the cure, and I'm sufficiently disabled now that I don't know if I can handle the travel anymore, particularly in a place and time where no one gives a damn if they give me COVID, which will kill me first and very painfully, so maybe I just let it all ride. And maybe it'll turn out to be nothing more than gradual progression.

All I know is I'm tired.

Meanwhile, the things I need to get done are piling up, continually. As I've been saying, I don't know how much you'll see of me beyond the daily stuff this month at all, but especially these first two weeks, because I'm completely swamped right now, and will remain that way until the tax stuff is off my desk for the year. But there's always work to be done, and I do still have to make sales consistently. I'm now back on track on sales (! although I'll need to bring in another by tomorrow, obviously, to stay that way), because as always, I still need to bring in one sale a week for us to break even. 

And we have new work! There's another cuff (amethyst), plus a casual necklace and a bolo (both turquoise, in very different styles). I posted the first two a few nights ago, here  and here; the bolo might be done tomorrow (or not). I also got Wings's newest ring posted a couple of weeks ago, and more importantly, I got that incredible new collar-style necklace up, here (and you need to see it, all of it, all of the photos of all five pendants and the beads). It's extraordinary, and it's looking for its home. I also got the last new cuff, pendant, and earrings posted a last week, here; the pendant is sold, but the other two remain available for immediate purchase (and they're both ::wow::). All of our links are here; emphasis on sales and testimonials for now:

There's lots of fabulous work on the site, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2023; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.         

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