Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Ice Chronicles: Integration

Apparently it's official.  As of yesterday evening, Ice is fully a part of the herd.

To make this work, Miskwaki is now in the north pen with Cree and Shade (a/k/a The Bullies), and doing fine, although he desperately misses being paired with his Harmony Girl. Well, that and the fact that we're going to need to soak his right forefoot tomorrow.  He's limping a little, and we don't need a frog infection. He has an unusually deep sulcus, which, with last week's rain and muck, will make him prone to thrush.  A little apple cider vinegar and some tea-tree oil will take care of that. 

Last night, everyone left Ice to his own devices — no trollery over the water trough or snottiness over the stalls. Everyone thoroughly mellow this morning.

He walked into the pen under his own power tonight when they all came back in from grazing. He's paired with Harmony, who loves everybody as long as they're nice to her, and Spock, who loves Ice.

So it looks like he's officially all the way home.

Now, it's on to desensitizing (slowly; very slowly).

Images copyright Aji, 2014; all rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. and so your world of magic horses expands - yet again! wonderful!
