Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Ice Chronicles: Were You Born In a Barn?

Apparently not.

Or, at least, spent no time in one thereafter.

It's been a painfully slow process to get him to this point. He doesn't like the halter (I don't think he was every haltered in his life before he wound up here), so that's one battle.

He also doesn't like enclosed spaces. He's been in the pens, mostly by himself, half a dozen times over the last three weeks or so. But getting him into the stall is a huge undertaking; he's claustrophobic, and the walls and ceiling terrify him.

Or, rather, they used to terrify him.

Tonight, it only took half a dozen pull-and-release episodes with the lead to get him inside. The alfalfa was already in there waiting for him, and after several minutes of refusing to eat it anywhere but from my hand, he got the hang of the wall trough.

He's not exactly happy, but he's calm enough to pose for me.

He'll get there.  Did I mention that he has a girlfriend now?  Spock has decided that he's her man.

Images copyright Aji, 2014; all rights reserved.

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