Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Preview of "Taos Pueblo: Ancestral Places, Sacred Spaces": It's the Exhibit Brochure

This is the brochure for Wings's show at the Cocteau in Santa Fe. They arrived late, but we need to make a second run down there anyway for a variety of purposes, so we'll be taking them down to the venue on Tuesday. We'll set aside a few for distribution from here, of course.

Normally, when i design a brochure, it's got less text, more images, and much more blank space. But we're on kind of a shoestring budget here, and this has to double — treble, actually — as brochure, program guide, and interpretive text. So what you see here is sort of the opposite of what I would normally file under the heading "brochure" — but despite that, I still think it came out pretty well, and will serve its purpose[s] pretty effectively.  It's a standard tri-fold, which means there are six panels. I'm putting the other panels over the jump. I think they'll be readable in the images themselves, so I'm not going to bother with reproducing the text next to each; it'll be just the visuals.

The point is to walk the reader through the background for — the foundation of — the show itself. It includes Wings's "exhibition statement," which is sort of like an artist's statement, but tailored specifically to the content of the show in question. It also includes abridged versions of the biographical and historical information we've always used on his Web site: "About the Artist" [here, "About Wings"]; "About the Art"; "About Taos Pueblo."

At left is the front cover. More over the jump:

The "flyleaf" of the brochure — what you see on 
the right when you open brochure.

The left-most inner panel — what appears
on the inside of the front cover.

This is the inner center panel — what you see
when both end panels are open.

The right-most inner panel —
the inside of the "flyleaf."

And, finally, the back cover —
imagery and contact information.

All content copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

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