Monday, April 21, 2014

I Need a Break

No, the song has nothing to do with anything, other than memories.

So, the vet gave the horses their vaxes on Friday. And, like clockwork, two of them colicked on Saturday morning. [I caught it in the earliest stages; they're fine. It's a common reaction to vaccinations because of the inflammatory response it generates, and we know to watch for it.] A third lamed up a bit from the intramuscular effects [they get it in the rump, because the neck generates a much bigger and more dangerous inflammatory response.] And Miskwaki is having less-than-pleasant gastric effects, although not, thankfully, colic or founder.

Then yesterday, thinking we were losing Griffin ten days after losing Lilith. It looks like he'll be okay, but it's going to be a difficult few days while the symptoms pass. And I really wasn't planning on shelling out the kind of money I did yesterday, either for vet bills or for show-related expenses, so I'm cranky on that score. Happy frickin' Easter; that bunny's on my list, and not in good way.

Today is going to be hellishly busy — a ton of small things, none of them particularly onerous inherently, but all extremely time-consuming and all of which have to get done TODAY.

So I won't be around much.  If y'all would "Like," "Share," Tweet, and otherwise distribute these two links, I'd be grateful. Feel free to share this one, too, which reproduces the brochure for Wings's show. 

And maybe by tonight, I'll be feeling halfway sane again and able to carry on a coherent conversation.

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