Sunday, April 20, 2014

What a horrible day.

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
Home again, finally.  Spent 2+ hours at the vet on an emergency basis with this guy.

I've spent $500 today that I wasn't expecting — half toward newly-arisen needs for Wings's show; half for Griffin's emergency care — and I'm fricking wiped. No food, no coffee, lots of carrying of a nearly-60-pound dog by myself, and the absolute terror that I would lose my canine soul mate a mere ten days after losing Lilith.

It's [mostly] good news. It's CVS [canine vestibular syndrome, geriatric form]. I called it earlier today, as a matter of fact, but his condition deteriorated so fast that I was fearing something much, MUCH worse. He can recover; it'll just take a few days of working with his condition, some anti-nausea meds, and some confinement. His labs were outstanding, and all the more so considering his age.

But I've been through the wringer, and so has he, and so has the checkbook, and I probably won't get to the brochure stuff (or anything else) yet tonight. 


  1. Nimisenh, please email with what the prescribed or desired anti-nausea med is/are. If it's the one I think is most commonly prescribed for dogs (at least two walked-on ones of mine have been on it in the past), then I can help.

    1. It's Cerenia, and we've already paid for the Rx. It's a 5-day protocol, and he had his first via injection at the vet's tonight; he gets a pill tomorrow morning. The nausea is due exclusively to the deep inner-ear inflammation, but the nausea's more likely to get cleared up before the inner-ear issue than the other way around. He also got an NSAID that's not on my "kills dogs shit list," combined with an antibiotic (to reduce the inflammation), so I'm hoping they kick in tomorrow a bit.

      He just had to go out to pee, and I wound up having to pick him up completely again. I'm so tired.

  2. Oh that's so horribly stressful but I'm so glad you didn't lose him. Try to force yourself to rest (even if you have to lie down next to him) before you get yourself into trouble from being too tired. I am just imagining how exhausted you are.

    1. Thanks, darlin'. Didn't get to be until almost 1 AM, and was back up by 6, but at least I did get some sleep in between. I'm gonna try to get the heavy stuff out of the way early; the long, tedious job I have waiting for me today is at least something I can do sitting on the couch. :-)

  3. Good. I get worried when you're so stressed

    1. Aw, that's sweet of you, hon. Thanks.

      LOL - it turned out not to be restful at all, but it's DONE. And Grif is demonstrably better - still staggery, but he ate a 4-6 tiny pieces of cooked chicken from my hand, and he's alert and engaged now. He even managed to jump up onto the couch just now - and then promptly fell over and stayed that way, but it's progress. :-D

  4. So happy to hear he's doing better, and that you've gotten at least a little time to sleep. You need to take care of you, too, but I know I'm preaching to the choir who so often tells me the same. May Grif continue to improve! I'm so glad this is something manageable.

    I had another night of insomnia again last night and I'm supposed to go to the dentist today for an initial exam I've been putting off since last week due to throwing up. I am really scared of dentists. Even when I am inpain and know I need to go - and that my teeth are terrible and that getting this dealt with will help Bimaaji - I still have an overwhelming fear of dentists dating back to childhood. There's a lot of PTSD there, or maybe that should be PTSDF - post traumatic stress dental fear.
