Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Urgent Announcement: 2-Day Delay

We have a two-day delay in launching the show.

No, it's not the money; it's a logistical issue that's out of our control. No, it's not the venue; this represents a bloody inconvenience for them and they've been incredibly understanding about it. No, it's nobody's "fault"; it falls into the category of "just one of those things." Remember what I said about the Fates?


Thursday afternoon it is.

The one ray of light I can see in all of this is that in the intervening two days we both might actually finally get some sleep.

/mortified frustration


  1. Well, just take deep breaths and look at it as a chance to get any last minute things taken care of. I know the show will be fabulous when it opens. And it will open. In the meantime, sending positive energies out your way.
