Friday, April 4, 2014

NDN Silver: You saw it here first . . . .

Photo Copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
Remember when I said that there's something big coming up?

Well, these are going to be a part of it. [So what that means, of course, is that these are not on the market yet; this is strictly eye candy for now.] But I thought the folks who like to follow Wings's art might like to see some of what he's been working on lately.

Below: the reverse side of the pendant shown above:

Photo Copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
And a larger entry in the same series, this time with onyx:

Photo Copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
I should add that that onyx cab, seen in real life, is positively liquid. It took him a dozen or so shots to get one where the stone didn't show a reflection of him taking the photo. You can lose yourself in that stone.

And the reverse:

Photo Copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
These are all entries in one of Wings's signature series: The Mona Lisa on the Rio Grande. No, nothing to do with the Lucinda Williams song of similar name; this series predates the song. They are tributes to the Corn Maidens, female spirit beings of the Pueblo peoples and an integral part of their traditions. The cabochon stands in for the Maiden's face; the surrounding setting is her tablita, a heavy, hand-carved ceremonial headdress.

When actually placed on the market, each of these will come hung on a strand, whether sterling silver chain or beads. They will likely run somewhere in the $700-$1,000 range.

Watch this space for more updates . . . .

Copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.


  1. Oh gawds....I've been promising myself for over a year that I was going to get the next Mona Lisa on the Rio Grande piece Wings did, and there is no. possible. way. But if that onyx happens to be available later, especially if it's set on a strand of turquoise beads to set it off, I am going to start sending you money towards it.

  2. ... excuse me, I think I need to go wipe some drool off my face. Holy Wow. Breathtaking. Just... stunning. Wow.
