Friday, April 11, 2014

Almost halfway there via GFM!

Plus another $500+ or so via PayPal, so effectively, only about $1,000 still needed.

Two wonderful Kossacks, Avilyn and Grey Hawk, have posted diaries in support of this project; you can read them here and here. [Grey Hawk's (the latter one) is currently on the Recent List, so recs and shares are helpful right at this moment.] Many, many thanks, my friends, to both of you from both of us. Many, many thanks to everyone who has donated, rec'd, tipped, shared, liked, tweeted, and otherwise supported this effort. 

Also, many, many thanks to everyone for their kind thoughts after Lilith walked on yesterday afternoon. Her fierce little spirit will be with us through the show.

Here's the GoFundMe link again, if you'd be so kind as to share it with your networks.

And once the show is over, I'll be posting a full retrospective, including images of all of the photos and all of the silverwork, here. If I can get past the Daily Kos script demons, I'll cross-post it there, too.

Chi miigwech and ta'a, from both of us. 

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Heh heh heh...getting closer now - almost there, WRT the GFM goal. And both Avilyn & I - as well as others - are hoping to see you exceed that, to help defray any other costs (real or imaginary, planned or unexpected). :)
