Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

Ponies are always good for that.

What am I saying? Good? Hell, they're masters at it. Ice is no exception.

So as I said on Facebook, here's the deal:

In a couple of weeks, I'll have something VERY exciting to announce on the professional front for Wings. Until then, I can't provide details, but it's a big undertaking. 
Unfortunately, it's also necessarily an expensive one. And we're in the middle of the winter ceremonial season; the Pueblo remains closed for the entire month of April, so there is no tourist trade. With this deadline looming, I'm at the point of trying to squeeze blood from a stone. (It's a lot of blood. It's a very small stone.) 
So if you know anyone currently in the market for gorgeous authentic Native art, please send 'em our way. And if you know anyone who might be interested in helping a really talented Native artist (yes, that would be Wings) pull off something wonderful (yes, I'll write all about it when it happens), please share the donation link at the upper right.
Don't make Ice give you side-eye.

Copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what I'm donating to, but so be it. Surprises are good occasionally. Dropped a bit in the cup.
