Tuesday, April 1, 2014


"Hummingbird Wings"
Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

He's dreaming.

He meets a man, a pilot, who says, "I can teach you how to fly a plane."

And the pilot does.

He's in the cockpit, the pilot next to him, and he lands the small plane in the Pueblo's plaza. 

He taxis to the North Side, to Hlauuma, and stops near where his old gallery used to be.

He disembarks, shielding his eyes against the morning light as he gazes at the perfect turquoise of the western sky. He sees his late brother, Roy, standing there.

"I didn't know you knew how to fly," Roy says in surprise.

He smiles, both at seeing his beloved brother again and at what he's about to show him.

"I do now," he says. "Watch."

And he turns back toward the cockpit.

And as he gathers himself, he looks down to find that the plane has disappeared. He doesn't need it anymore. He has grown his own wings, and he's about to take flight.

He awakens.

Copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.

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