Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Meet "Lawn Mower."

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
Also "Goat."

No, nothing yet to report on the big question of the day.  Maybe tomorrow . . . .

In the meantime, I guess last night's NCAI ad ran in only seven metro markets, one of which included Albuquerque. So thanks, a lot, all you peeps forwarding me all those breathless announcements over the last two days, all of which said "televised nationally" or some variant thereof. Wings thanks you, too, for forcing him to sit through ad after ad after ad in a painfully bad game without being able to ride the remote. Yeah, I know: That's how it was no doubt reported, and the press release/actual announcement is typically unfindable on the NCAI Web site, so how would anyone know otherwise?

For those wanting an update, Goat Lawn Mower Ice is doing well. He is not going back onto the antibiotics; we've identified and resolved that issue. He is, however, painfully think again from not being able to eat normally for so long. Happily for him, that simply means that much more time out Hoovering up grass, so before long, the weight should start coming back. Meanwhile, the sand is exiting at a large volume and steady rate.

Maybe a more practical update tomorrow on the Web site. Once it's live, please help me get the word out. Ice is a love, but he's an expensive one (like all the rest of 'em).

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