Tuesday, June 10, 2014

So . . . um . . . where was the ad, ABC?

This ad, by the National Congress of American Indians, was supposed to run tonight during Game 3 of the NBA Finals.

Got that? During. Not after. Not on a commercial break for the post-game show. Not during the idiotic local news that no one in their right mind watches anyway.

The ad, by the way, was created last year. Under pressure, the networks refused to run it during NFL games. The NBA was supposed to be better than that.

And frankly, I suspect it was. I think it's a network issue — and possibly a local affiliate issue. Which makes it all the more absurd here, since New Mexico has one of the country's highest Native populations.

At any rate, it is 9:50 PM. The game is over (and the Heat lost). And at least one of us has been here every minute, watching for the ad that never ran.

I think it's time to make some noise.

1 comment:

  1. No TV service here, so I can't say whether the NJ market showed it or not. I did see a comment over on GOS that someone in MN did see the ad during the game, so it apparently got some airtime. Although given what it probably cost, the National Congress of American Indians should see about getting some of their money back if the ad didn't run everywhere.
