Sunday, June 8, 2014

New Mexico Magazine: Now with Cameo Appearances by Wings's Art

Sorry; have to post this. Because I'm proud of him.

This is the cover of the current issue of New Mexico Magazine (June, 2014 edition). Wings had to run some errands yesterday and brought it home with him.

On pages 52 through 55, one of Wings's pieces makes three cameo appearances.

What grabbed his eye was the headline on the left: "Game of Thrones' [sic] Hometown Hero." It's a story about George R.R. Martin, Santa Fe resident, and his purchase, restoration, and reopening of the Jean Cocteau Cinema, the town's beloved art-house 
theatre that closed some years ago. That's the same venue that hosted Wings's one-man show last month.

The article includes several photos of George himself. And in each one, he's wearing his trademark fisherman's cap . . . with one of Wings's turtles pinned to it.

Did I mention that I'm proud of him?

June 9, ETA: When I pulled this together two nights ago, I couldn't get a link for the actual article from the New Mexico Magazine Web site, so I assumed that it was content available only to subscribers. They've apparently since made it available; yesterday, belinda ridgewood sent me the link, which has now been added above. Only one photo, but the turtle makes an appearance.


  1. Awesome! :-) Every time I see a picture of GRRM online, I always look for the turtles. :-) You have every reason to be proud of Wings; I think you two make a great team. :-D

  2. wonderful! yeah, I bet you're proud of him :O) please pass along my most heartfelt congratulations!
