Saturday, June 7, 2014

Please stop defending the indefensible.

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
Not all tricksters are simply coyotes. Some are just bad people.

Yes, this is going to be oblique. No, I'm not going to elaborate further. All the clues are there, and have been for days now, and I've already done everyone's due diligence for them and brought it up on FB. You want specifics, you'll have to do a little due diligence of your own (which, I might add, everyone already should have done before countenancing theft of intellectual property — in one case, from an actual Indian — vicious personal attacks and ugly bigotry).

Being an ally to people of color does not mean excusing truly indefensible behavior. In fact, there comes a point when doing so crosses the line into paternalism, to the point of infantilizing the person in question.

It's even more reprehensible when it's done to support a person who in all likelihood is not a person of color at all.  Especially when five minutes' worth of simple, basic research would have turned up exactly what I'm talking about. When a person cites a pretty-thoroughly-debunked fraud, and then further buttresses his own bad behavior by announcing that he grew up with that fraud in one location despite the debunking pretty convincingly showing that said fraud grew up elsewhere (hint: nowhere near the rez in question, and with not only no ties to it but no blood), and when the person allegedly posting from said rez elsewhere says that he's living in another state entirely, well, I'm not convinced that any of you should be defending this crap. And I wrote about this two days ago, and yet I learn that people are still defending this. Enough already.

Why am I always the one who has to point this shit out?

Yes, this puts me in a seriously bad mood.

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