Sunday, November 30, 2014

Hot Rocks and Rain, and a Request for Shares

Photo copyright Aji, 2014; all rights reserved.
Today at The NDN Silver Blog, it's the final entry in Wings's most recent collection in miniature — his newest work, and all of them showpieces of substance. Of course, there's also a little on culture and symbolism and art generally in there, too.

And I'm going to plead outright for shares. The corporate retailers, of course, have a vested interest in reporting unusually high sales for this Black Friday weekend, in no small part because of organized attempts to shut down their influence. The media are dutiful stenographers, as usual, reporting record sales with no word of margins or of the effects on the employees. All that said, this is normally one of our biggest weekends of the year (with the vast majority of our business conducted online, and with no employees to take away from families and celebrations). It's also the one that launches the season that gets us through some very harsh, very lean winter months. And it's the worst we've ever had: not one sale thus far this weekend. That has never happened, not that I can recall.

So please: Take a moment to share the links. Not the link to the this post, and not the Facebook link, but this link. And more importantly, this one, to Wings's main page. Better yet, if you own some of Wings's work (or work from one of our other artists), send the link around with a testimonial. You have our profound thanks.

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