Monday, December 1, 2014

Holiday Gifts: Small Pots for Cyber Monday

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
It's Cyber Monday at The NDN Silver Blog, and the latest in our Monday series on smaller, modestly priced holiday gifts. Today, we've chosen to feature our collection of small pots: some miniatures, some simply small-sized, and ranging from elaborately finished art pieces to tiny vintage-style tributes to Taos Pueblo's utilitarian clayware.

These are some of the lowest-priced pieces you'll find for comparable work. The most expensive is less than $200; prices range all the way down to a mere $25. [Shipping, handling, and insurance are extra, of course.]

We need to make some sales this holiday season, so we hope you'll share widely: both today's post, and Wings's main page.  Thanks, everybody.

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