Friday, December 5, 2014

Dear Santa:

Courtesy of Cole at Balloon Juice.

Don't worry; I'm safe. I was never allowed to believe in the big guy anyway. OTOH, that other judgmental dude . . . .

1 comment:

  1. If you're naughty enough, Santa will send some black raspberry jelly! (Well, ok, it'll show up at some point no matter how naughty or nice you are.) I used the food mill to de-seed most of this year's crop of black raspberries, so most of what we're making this year will be jelly, not jam. If it turns out well, we'll probably switch over pretty much entirely to jelly, since I'm tired of picking raspberry seeds out of my teeth. Sent an email a day or two back, might have been buried in spam, or maybe you guys are just too worn out, just letting you know another couple of boxes went out earlier this week, if you didn't pick em up in the last couple of days.
