Saturday, December 6, 2014

Holiday Season Weekend Feature: Mark's Medicine Bear

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

At long last, today's post is up at The NDN Silver Blog. For this month, we'll be taking a bit of a different approach each Saturday and Sunday, with a two-part Holiday Season Weekend Feature. Today and tomorrow, we're highlighting the sandstone work of Mark Swazo-Hinds, and I figured we might as well begin with his most expensive piece (of his work that we carry; it's likewise the most expensive piece of art currently in our inventory). It's the sort of thing that comes along rarely, but it will someday find its home.

I am beat. Short days, far too much telescoped into them, and a local trade that is nonexistent for everyone (yesterday's trip into town was not merely depressing, but downright frightening). So shares of the post itself, and especially of Wings's main page, are very much needed and are welcomed with our thanks.

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