Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fires of Various Sorts

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
Yes, this one's mine. The one you're thinking of is this one from a year ago almost to the day.  Wings caught his shot of the young female on September 19, 2014, on the north endpost of that section of fence; I got mine of the young male on September 24, 2015, on the matching south endpost.

I will not be around much, beyond the daily blog posts on Wings's site and my own Migration entries on Tumblr. I am having a hellishly hard time right now juggling everything.

Besides battling a bug, I'm titrating off one remedy I was taking, and it's causing me huge difficulties. On top of that are all the usual AI issues (spiking pain, and I do mean spiking, chronic fatigue, migraines, lack of sleep, cognitive issues), plus the newer anemia/hypoglycemia problems. We need to carve out time for winterization of this place, since we'll clearly be stuck here for another winter, which is now coming at us fast. And there's no end to the daily things that need to get done. I'm having greater problems maintaining than usual right now, in part due to the emotional lability titration and pain and fatigue cause; I am mourning the loss, the erasure, of my past in ways and to a degree I never would have thought possible

On top of that, Wings is, at long last (long as in 8 or 9 years long) getting MRIs on his knees on Wednesday, so most of my day then will be consumed with that. [Yes, he's going to need surgery on both. This is preparatory to scheduling the which and the when and the how.] Good news, but should've been handled nearly a decade ago, when we first began this process.

I'm going to try to launch the first stage of our youcaring fundraiser for the house on Thursday; October 1st seems like a good date for it. This is very preliminary, only for a couple grand or so, to get a space filled and leveled and graded and the gallery building moved onto it, and then to get a much larger order of fill deposited and leveled and graded on the old house site. [At the moment, the gallery is in a corner of the space where our old house used to be, and it will have to be moved.] But post-electrical fire, I am determined to make this happen. We've used up our free shot, and I have no illusions that we would be so lucky in the event of any "next time." 

In the meantime, we still need to make sales, and most of my hours that are not spent on physical labor around here are devoted to that end, since this is the season when tourism drops off precipitously. 

All this is by way of explaining why I'm going to be mostly unavailable for much but the barest minimum, and probably for a good long while. For now, there are always links to share with your networks that will help in the meantime:
  • Most obviously, Wings's site. We can always use sales, and we prefer that, actually. Right now, we need sales, desperately.
  • "Subscribing," in a sense, to my own writing and imagery, here or here. I've abandoned the Patreon site, since it appears that it is no more user-friendly for potential patrons than it is for me, and most folks seem to prefer using PayPal anyway. But you can support good writing and good storytelling at via the "Donate" links at either site. I guarantee you that you'll see things from perspectives you haven't conceived before. [Photos posted there may also be purchased individually, too.]
  • Our Amazon wish list. A few caveats: Most of what's on here is for the animals; rescues come with myriad health issues, and these are what keep ours alive (and, in She-Wolf's case, sighted). These are generally feed and supplements that see constant use, "refilled" anywhere from every one to four months or so. Some folks have generously already sent us items from it; those that need not be refilled until the first of the year or so have been removed from the list for now. There are a couple of other things on there for Wings: the agave, which is much better for his glycemic load, but not available locally in bulk size and thus extraordinarily expensive here; and the camera lens set. The lens is on there mostly so that I don't forget what model it is, because there's absolutely no way we will ever be able to afford 2-3 times the cost of the camera for it, but someday we may come across a used/refurbished model that will work. The other item is a digital storage drive for me (and at some point, I need to add an electric blanket, because ours has now given up the ghost, but I have no time to research them at the moment for a good deal).
I will probably be offline for the rest of the evening, barring notification of a purchase inquiry from Wings's site. The week promises to be hectic, to put it mildly, so expect to see me when you see me (and maybe not even then). If all goes as planned, the youcaring page will launch on Thursday, and I'll be asking everyone to share the link then. My overarching goal is for us to survive, and that means no more fires, and that means getting out of this place and into something more permanent.


All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, knee surgery is WAY advanced in the last decade with much faster recovery time so maybe the wait was meant to be?

    I love you guys, I think of you all the time.

    Zen Trainer
