Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Apparently I need to clarify this . . .what? daily?

For the last time: NO.

No, I am not returning to DK or FB anytime in the foreseeable future. The damage done to us was incalculable, in more ways than I'm willing to discuss here, and I am still — STILL — dealing with the fallout on a minute-by-minute basis.

So, NO.  No, do not send me Kosmail; I can't get at it anyway, and haven't been able to for months.  No, don't message me via FB; as I've said over and over and over for the last three weeks, I'm not going to bother to open FB's pages.  That's what widgets are for, and I'm using them for the gallery, etc., and that. is. it. If you want to me reach, all'a'y'all know how. No, I'm not putting my e-mail up here for the trolls and stalkers to flood my inbox the same way they hacked our Web site. Every one of you who is actually a friend of ours has that site's URL, and that's what the Contact form and info are for.

I'm sorry to seem bad-tempered, but you know what?  I am.  I've been to hell this month, and I'm nowhere near back yet, and it doesn't help when I keep having to repeat myself because people think that I don't really mean what I say (or that they know better than I do what the subtext of my words actually is; hint: they don't). I have no choice right now but to spend my very limited time and resources focused on Wings's work, sales being what they are (which is to say, are not).



  1. smh. Not at you, Nimisenh. At people not accepting No.

    1. Yeah, you'd think I'd be used to it by now, wouldn't you? My whole life, that's always been the reaction to everything, no matter whether it's no, yes, or something entirely different. [Sigh] I'm so tired. These last few weeks have been so destructive, in so many ways. I'm just at the end of my rope.

      You should feel free to tell people to e-mail me if they need anything, since that will be the only way to get me. If it's not related to the gallery or arts stuff, though, the likelihood of a reply is a crapshoot right now. At some point, I'll e-mail you to give you the background (no, don't worry about us per se; we're fine on that score - it's everything else that's going to hell, seemingly).

    2. And right on cue, the primary stalker is back. Go away. There's no place for you here, and nothing for you here. Go get a life of your own, and leave ours alone.

  2. Aji,
    I tried to comment before and don't know what happened. I don't know what happened to you, it must have been very bad. You don't need to tell me and relive it.
    I just wanted to thank you again for your and Wing's kindness in helping me with my Sis.
    People like you don't come along everyday. Thank you again.
    high uintas
