Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Announcing Single-Day, Single-Item Flash Sales on Wings's Work for the Month of August!

Photo copyright Aji, 2016;
all rights reserved.

I had initially planned to ask Wings about the possibility of holding a one-item-per-day series of flash sales for the month of August — and then got so busy with everything related to the house-building effort that I completely forgot it. Until today.

At any rate, he liked the idea, and so we're going to do it for the whole month of August, as a way, we hope, of supplementing the funding needed to keep construction on the house solidly under way, uninterrupted. It's kind of an unusual approach, but maybe it'll garner some attention for his current inventory. Here are the rules, with one exception I'll explain below:
  • Only one item will be offered per day at the sale rate of 20% off.
  • It will be a different item every day, and the 20% off price will apply ONLY to that item.
  • No commissions or changes; applies only to the item of the day as-is.
  • No layaways or installment payments for this promotion.
  • As always, there is no sales tax, and buyer pays shipping, handling, and insurance.
  • We accept checks, money orders, VISA/MasterCard, and PayPal, with PayPal as the preferred credit/debit method.
  • Sale on each item runs from midnight MDT to 11:59 PM MDT on the day in question.
Now, the exception: Had I had time to think these last three days, much less remember what I wanted to do here, I would have put up the concha belt shown above on August 1st; the necklace shown immediately below on August 2nd; and the matching cuff bracelet below it for today, August 3rd. Because I am late launching this, all three items will be available at the rate of 20% off from now through 11:59PM tomorrow night, in addition to tomorrow's selected item, the earrings shown at the bottom of this post. So, to reiterate: Through 11:59PM MDT tomorrow, you can score the concha belt above at 20% off retail. At $4,500 retail, the discount brings it to $3,600 + s/h/i, now through tomorrow only.

During the same period, you can get this necklace at 20% off retail:

Photo copyright Aji, 2016;
all rights reserved.
$2,800 retail; at 20% off, $2,240 + s/h/i, now through tomorrow only.

And this matching bracelet:

Photo copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved.
$1,800 retail; at 20% off, $1,440 + s/h/i, now through tomorrow only.

And these earrings:

Photo copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved.
$250 retail; at 20% off, $200 + s/h/i, tomorrow only.
So visit the site, shop, share the links to Wings's site with your networks. At 11:59 PM tomorrow night, if unsold, these four items all return to their normal prices. Tomorrow evening, I'll post Friday's sale item a few hours in advance.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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