Friday, September 20, 2024

The work has to get done.

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

Lots of weather weirdness today, from a dawn shower that wasn't in the forecast to a cloudburst this afternoon that wasn't predicted, either. In between, lots of clouds, lots of sun, high heat, high winds, lots of foliage change. The aspen line at its highest points is already going rusty orange, and that's normally a month later and more.

It's been a day, but that's not unusual anymore. We took care of one major source of stress for Wings simply by refusing to be part of it; we have options now, and we'll use them. Not so lucky for me, unfortunately. About three weeks ago, I tore something around the bicep of the shoulder whose rotator cuff I tore 20 years ago, and it's coupled with a sublux [minor but long-lasting partial dislocation], and the pain is excruciating. Of course, it would be my dominant arm, natch. On top of that, my lupus and RA symptoms have been so badly jacked the last couple of weeks that I wondered whether my chemo dose was now too low [IOW, if I was becoming acclimated to it, and needed to raise it]. Today was chemo day, so I increased it by the smallest increment possible, and . . . NOPE. Good god, I feel sick. So apparently my magic dose is still the magic number;  guess both are just progressing enough that it doesn't have the same effect as it did. Anyway, I feel absolutely horrible, but the work has to get done, because the need for sales hasn't diminished.

Like, at all. We are down to our last few dollars for the next eleven days, unless I manage to bring in some sales in the interim. I managed to get the insurance paid, and I think we've got enough grace period left on the propane to wait until something comes in. But we'll have autopays coming out on the first that need to be covered, and more medical for us both, plus vet bills for the dogs at the end of October in addition to all the rest. The truck repair and everything else really screwed us for this month; there won't be any roof replacement, because there's no money for it.
Late last night, I posted the four new pairs of sterling silver tab earrings, all with Deco-infused stampwork and at a lower price point than most of his earrings: here, here, here, and here. That new necklace I've been talking about [it's phenomenal] became Wednesday's feature, and its gallery entry is here. In addition, his new naja pendant is up, here, and his new cuff, here. The former features both an interior pendant and amber cabs at the ends; the latter is extraordinary, two strands of Deco butterflies set with something that's not a stone, but is phenomenal all the same. In the photo are the four pairs of sterling silver tab earrings with amazing stampwork that I promised, and eventually, the Picasso jasper earrings will be done, as well as other styles. If I could sell them all, I'd feel a lot more confident about the next several weeks.

The rest of the month [hell, the rest of the year] is going to be geared around making sales, because I don't have a choice about that. I'm so tired after all the nonsense of this year to date, but I can't let up, because so far, we're not even breaking even on the year, and I will have to worry about next year's tax bill soon enough. Also, all indications are for extreme weather this winter [and potentially this afternoon, too], and our generator needs a solar panel set-up; it's now at the top of the wishlist, because at ~$500, there's no way we can afford it. But there's tons of new work on the site, in addition to all that's coming up shortly, so go look:

  • Completed just last weekend, two absolutely phenomenal new cuffs, here and here;
  • Completed the previous weekend, an all-new wristband, here;
  • One extraordinary new belt buckle set with an incredible Skystone, here;
  • Another new vintage-style cuff with a mysterious Skystone, here;
  • Three new pairs of earrings in his gemstone-bead series, herehere, and here;
  • Three new cuffs from last week, two set with incredible turquoise focals, one solid silver; go herehere, and here.
  • Six pairs of new concha floral earrings in the Earrings Gallery here [larger are garnet, golden rutilated quartz, and malachite; smaller are amber, carnelian, and iolite];
  • Art Deco Labradorite cuff here 
  • Triangle wire youth bangle here
  • Art Nouveau vine pattern-wire youth bangle here
  • Small Art Nouveau pattern-wire bangle pair here
  • Malachite butterfly/leaf-wing earrings here
  • A big solid silver classic cuff here
  • Ten new pairs of the gemstone-bead earrings are also up in the Earrings Gallery;
  • And another new cuff is also here

There's more on the way very soon. And I need to sell them all, because I still need to make multiple sales daily for us to catch up on the year [and that's just breaking even] and cover all the stuff still in the pipeline that needs covering [roof, more medical, etc.]. So: GO BUY! PLEASE! Links are here:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (Priority is that solar panel set for the generator at the top of the list; part of prepping for a hard winter. Next to that, Amazon cards are probably most useful at this point); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim year, this one already far worse than the last, we really need to get what's left of 2024 onto a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                  

Friday Feature: The Mysteries of Fall's Dark Skies

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

It's our Friday Feature at The NDN Silver Blog, with a coordinating pair of works that embody the magic of how the sky spirits dance. It was one a trio, now two works, necklace and pair of earrings, designed explicitly to match, manifest in the mysteries of fall's dark skies.

The post is here. Wings's main page is here. Inquiries via the site's Contact formAfter a full year of extremely low sales and absolutely astronomical emergency expenses, we badly need to bring in consistent sales for September and the rest of the year, so shares are very much needed and much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.        

Thursday, September 19, 2024

New work completed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

Yet more work in progress.  Well, no, no longer in progress, technically; this is new work completed.

I'm hoping to have them all up on the site tonight, but if you want to reserve a pair now, you can. Just hit the Contact form and tell me which one you want. Also, be sure to take a look at yesterday's fabulous new masterwork, if you haven't seen it yet. It's extraordinary.

And selling it would get us out this month in one piece, probably. Because still no sales: None last week; none so far this week. And I have to bring in at least one a week, preferably more, for the rest of the year if we're going to break even. It's been an ungodly horrible year.

Meanwhile, there's lots of other new work. Around 5:30 two mornings ago [because no sleep, again], I got his new naja pendant up, here, and his new cuff, here [which is also featured in yesterday's post on the site]. The former features both an interior pendant and amber cabs at the ends; the latter is extraordinary, two strands of Deco butterflies set with something that's not a stone, but is phenomenal all the same. In the photo are the four pairs of sterling silver tab earrings with amazing stampwork that I promised, and eventually, the Picasso jasper earrings will be done, as well as other styles. If I could sell them all, I'd feel a lot more confident about the next several weeks.

The rest of the month [hell, the rest of the year] is going to be geared around making sales, because I don't have a choice about that. I'm so tired after all the nonsense of this year to date, but I can't let up, because so far, we're not even breaking even on the year, and I will have to worry about next year's tax bill soon enough. Also, all indications are for extreme weather this winter [and potentially this afternoon, too], and our generator needs a solar panel set-up; it's now at the top of the wishlist, because at ~$500, there's no way we can afford it. But there's tons of new work on the site, in addition to all that's coming up shortly, so go look:

  • Completed just last weekend, two absolutely phenomenal new cuffs, here and here;
  • Completed the previous weekend, an all-new wristband, here;
  • One extraordinary new belt buckle set with an incredible Skystone, here;
  • Another new vintage-style cuff with a mysterious Skystone, here;
  • Three new pairs of earrings in his gemstone-bead series, herehere, and here;
  • Three new cuffs from last week, two set with incredible turquoise focals, one solid silver; go herehere, and here.
  • Six pairs of new concha floral earrings in the Earrings Gallery here [larger are garnet, golden rutilated quartz, and malachite; smaller are amber, carnelian, and iolite];
  • Art Deco Labradorite cuff here 
  • Triangle wire youth bangle here
  • Art Nouveau vine pattern-wire youth bangle here
  • Small Art Nouveau pattern-wire bangle pair here
  • Malachite butterfly/leaf-wing earrings here
  • A big solid silver classic cuff here
  • Ten new pairs of the gemstone-bead earrings are also up in the Earrings Gallery;
  • And another new cuff is also here

There's more on the way very soon. And I need to sell them all, because I still need to make multiple sales daily for us to catch up on the year [and that's just breaking even] and cover all the stuff still in the pipeline that needs covering [roof, more medical, etc.]. So: GO BUY! PLEASE! Links are here:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (Priority is that solar panel set for the generator at the top of the list; part of prepping for a hard winter. Next to that, Amazon cards are probably most useful at this point); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim year, this one already far worse than the last, we really need to get what's left of 2024 onto a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                 

#ThrowbackThursday: Autumn's Wild Spirits

Photo copyright Wings, 2024; all rights reserved.

It's #TBT at The NDN Silver Blog, with a #ThrowbackThursday work that dates back more than twelve years, to early 2012, and a very special commission by someone very dear to us. For those who recognize the design and its significance, it was a wholly authorized commission, and it's one that reminds us of the importance of saving autumn's wild spirits, already here in abundance now.

The post is here. Wings's main page is hereAs always, this work will never be duplicated, but if the [very different] possibilities it suggests speak to your spirit, simply inquire via the site's Contact form; Wings can create something uniquely your own. After a full year of extremely low sales and absolutely astronomical emergency expenses, we badly need to bring in consistent sales for September and the rest of the year, so shares are very much needed and much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.         

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

On Fall Nights

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

Now posted at The NDN Silver Blog, it's Wings's newest masterwork, completed only this afternoon, a necklace manifest as the magic that occurs here as the night falls. It's an extraordinary pendant suspended from a strand of beads hand-selected for this piece, all of them embodying the twilight mystery that we are granted on fall nights.

The post is here. Wings's main page is here. Inquiries via the site's Contact formAfter a full year of extremely low sales and absolutely astronomical emergency expenses, we badly need to bring in consistent sales for September and the rest of the year, so shares are very much needed and much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.        

Inverted order today.

Photo copyright. Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

Beautiful clear day, albeit with a hint of haze. The big twinned cottonwoods down the road are changing color measurably by the day now. The last two days' worth of heavy rains and cold nights have got a lot of leaves turning fast now.

Cold nights, but still no hard freeze. As you can see, the ragwort is still thriving [it'll be like cockroaches, able to survive any kind of collapse]. Which means that I still can't breathe, and I'm absolutely miserable, both for the whole, you know, lack of breathing thing, and also the pain levels jacked into the stratosphere and attendant inability to sleep.

And still no sales. None last week; none so far this week.

Inverted order today, because Wings is finishing up that big piece to feature today. He still has to string the beads and attach the findings, and that might be a quick process, or a very long one, depending on whether the colors and shapes and sizes come together properly on the first try or not. So it might be tonight before I have today's NDN Silver post up, but it'll be there; the work itself is also going to be phenomenal, so watch for it.

Meanwhile, there's lots of other new work. Around 5:30 yesterday morning [because no sleep, again], I got his new naja pendant up, here, and his new cuff, here [which is also featured in yesterday's post on the site]. The former features both an interior pendant and amber cabs at the ends; the latter is extraordinary, two strands of Deco butterflies set with something that's not a stone, but is phenomenal all the same. Tomorrow [Wednesday] should be the new necklace, which is also amazing, shades of purple and red and black together. And he has new earrings in the works, four pairs of sterling silver tab earrings with amazing stampwork, and eventually, the Picasso jaspers again. If I could sell them all, I'd feel a lot more confident about the next several weeks.

The rest of the month [hell, the rest of the year] is going to be geared around making sales, because I don't have a choice about that. I'm so tired after all the nonsense of this year to date, but I can't let up, because so far, we're not even breaking even on the year, and I will have to worry about next year's tax bill soon enough. Also, all indications are for extreme weather this winter [and potentially this afternoon, too], and our generator needs a solar panel set-up; it's now at the top of the wishlist, because at ~$500, there's no way we can afford it. But there's tons of new work on the site, in addition to all that's coming up shortly, so go look:

  • Completed just last weekend, two absolutely phenomenal new cuffs, here and here;
  • Completed the previous weekend, an all-new wristband, here;
  • One extraordinary new belt buckle set with an incredible Skystone, here;
  • Another new vintage-style cuff with a mysterious Skystone, here;
  • Three new pairs of earrings in his gemstone-bead series, herehere, and here;
  • Three new cuffs from last week, two set with incredible turquoise focals, one solid silver; go herehere, and here.
  • Six pairs of new concha floral earrings in the Earrings Gallery here [larger are garnet, golden rutilated quartz, and malachite; smaller are amber, carnelian, and iolite];
  • Art Deco Labradorite cuff here 
  • Triangle wire youth bangle here
  • Art Nouveau vine pattern-wire youth bangle here
  • Small Art Nouveau pattern-wire bangle pair here
  • Malachite butterfly/leaf-wing earrings here
  • A big solid silver classic cuff here
  • Ten new pairs of the gemstone-bead earrings are also up in the Earrings Gallery;
  • And another new cuff is also here

There's more on the way very soon. And I need to sell them all, because I still need to make multiple sales daily for us to catch up on the year [and that's just breaking even] and cover all the stuff still in the pipeline that needs covering [roof, more medical, etc.]. So: GO BUY! PLEASE! Links are here:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (Priority is that solar panel set for the generator at the top of the list; part of prepping for a hard winter. Next to that, Amazon cards are probably most useful at this point); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim year, this one already far worse than the last, we really need to get what's left of 2024 onto a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

When the storm's coming for you.

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

That was just before 4 PM today. That's what it looks like when the storm's coming for you.

I swear to god, that's how I feel on every front anymore. This year has been a nightmare, multiple nightmares, actually, and no matter how hard I work, I can't get ahead of any of it. It doesn't help that I've had the equivalent, maybe, of one actual night's sleep over the last week combined. Nor does it help that my illness seems to be progressing across the board again. I don't know whether we need to raise my chemo dose, or if this is just the best I can expect, and it's only going to get to get worse from here. Whatever it is, I'm not remotely functional, and none of that matters to the outside world, and the stresses are not going to let up.

And having the Internet crash for a smooth hour when we pay far more than most urban areas for their most powerful service, which should guarantee virtually 100% up-time but does not because they have such overloaded shit infrastructure? Yeah, that has not improved my mood in the slightest. Bad enough babying my laptop along every minute while it's dying; it blew another port last week, and that's not fixable. But for what we pay them, and they can't even handle a few raindrops [because it's not the rain, it's that they have no redundancy and everyone crammed onto the same backbone]? No, I'm not happy right now.

And still no sales. None last week; none so far this week.

Around 5:30 this morning [because no sleep, again], I got his new naja pendant up, here, and his new cuff, here [which is also featured in today's post on the site]. The former features both an interior pendant and amber cabs at the ends; the latter is extraordinary, two strands of Deco butterflies set with something that's not a stone, but is phenomenal all the same. Tomorrow [Wednesday] should be the new necklace, which is also amazing, shades of purple and red and black together. And he has new earrings in the works, four pairs of sterling silver tab earrings with amazing stampwork, and eventually, the Picasso jaspers again. If I could sell them all, I'd feel a lot more confident about the next several weeks.

The rest of the month [hell, the rest of the year] is going to be geared around making sales, because I don't have a choice about that. I'm so tired after all the nonsense of this year to date, but I can't let up, because so far, we're not even breaking even on the year, and I will have to worry about next year's tax bill soon enough. Also, all indications are for extreme weather this winter [and potentially this afternoon, too], and our generator needs a solar panel set-up; it's now at the top of the wishlist, because at ~$500, there's no way we can afford it. But there's tons of new work on the site, in addition to all that's coming up shortly, so go look:

  • Completed just last weekend, two absolutely phenomenal new cuffs, here and here;
  • Completed the previous weekend, an all-new wristband, here;
  • One extraordinary new belt buckle set with an incredible Skystone, here;
  • Another new vintage-style cuff with a mysterious Skystone, here;
  • Three new pairs of earrings in his gemstone-bead series, herehere, and here;
  • Three new cuffs from last week, two set with incredible turquoise focals, one solid silver; go herehere, and here.
  • Six pairs of new concha floral earrings in the Earrings Gallery here [larger are garnet, golden rutilated quartz, and malachite; smaller are amber, carnelian, and iolite];
  • Art Deco Labradorite cuff here 
  • Triangle wire youth bangle here
  • Art Nouveau vine pattern-wire youth bangle here
  • Small Art Nouveau pattern-wire bangle pair here
  • Malachite butterfly/leaf-wing earrings here
  • A big solid silver classic cuff here
  • Ten new pairs of the gemstone-bead earrings are also up in the Earrings Gallery;
  • And another new cuff is also here

There's more on the way very soon. And I need to sell them all, because I still need to make multiple sales daily for us to catch up on the year [and that's just breaking even] and cover all the stuff still in the pipeline that needs covering [roof, more medical, etc.]. So: GO BUY! PLEASE! Links are here:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (Priority is that solar panel set for the generator at the top of the list; part of prepping for a hard winter. Next to that, Amazon cards are probably most useful at this point); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim year, this one already far worse than the last, we really need to get what's left of 2024 onto a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                 

Red Willow Spirit: Autumn's Amber and Violet

Photo copyright Wings, 2024; all rights reserved.

Now posted at The NDN Silver Blog, it's an edition of Red Willow Spirit for a very early arrival of fall amid utterly unseasonal storms. It's three images linked by a single all-new work of wearable art shown from two perspectives, al of them desert spirits manifest in autumn's amber and violet beauty.

The post is hereWings's main page is hereAs always, his photos are available in any of the usual three formats; simply inquire via the site's Contact formAfter a full year of extremely low sales and absolutely astronomical emergency expenses, we badly need to bring in consistent sales for September and the rest of the year, so shares are very much needed and much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.      

Monday, September 16, 2024


Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

That was this morning. That haze in front of the trees in the background? Not fog, not smoke. That's rain. It's been pouring since dawn, and the land is absorbing it as fast as it can.

It's wonderful, and in theory, we're supposed to get more tomorrow, but even if we don't, we're grateful beyond description for this.

Now, if only I could make it rain in the other sense. I'm already down on the month, not a single sale last week, and we need to make weekly sales just to break even. After the year we've had? We'll need more than one per week for the rest of the year.

Later today I'll have his new naja pendant up, and his new cuff, too. The former featured both a pendant and amber cabs at the ends; the latter is extraordinary, two strands of Deco butterflies set with something that's not a stone, but is phenomenal all the same. Tomorrow or Wednesday should be the new necklace, which is also amazing, shades of purple and red and black together. And he has new earrings in the works. If I could sell them all, I'd feel a lot more confident about the next several weeks.

The rest of the month [hell, the rest of the year] is going to be geared around making sales, because I don't have a choice about that. I'm so tired after all the nonsense of this year to date, but I can't let up, because so far, we're not even breaking even on the year, and I will have to worry about next year's tax bill soon enough. Also, all indications are for extreme weather this winter [and potentially this afternoon, too], and our generator needs a solar panel set-up; it's now at the top of the wishlist, because at ~$500, there's no way we can afford it. But there's tons of new work on the site, in addition to all that's coming up shortly, so go look:

  • Completed just last weekend, two absolutely phenomenal new cuffs, here and here;
  • Completed the previous weekend, an all-new wristband, here;
  • One extraordinary new belt buckle set with an incredible Skystone, here;
  • Another new vintage-style cuff with a mysterious Skystone, here;
  • Three new pairs of earrings in his gemstone-bead series, herehere, and here;
  • Three new cuffs from last week, two set with incredible turquoise focals, one solid silver; go herehere, and here.
  • Six pairs of new concha floral earrings in the Earrings Gallery here [larger are garnet, golden rutilated quartz, and malachite; smaller are amber, carnelian, and iolite];
  • Art Deco Labradorite cuff here 
  • Triangle wire youth bangle here
  • Art Nouveau vine pattern-wire youth bangle here
  • Small Art Nouveau pattern-wire bangle pair here
  • Malachite butterfly/leaf-wing earrings here
  • A big solid silver classic cuff here
  • Ten new pairs of the gemstone-bead earrings are also up in the Earrings Gallery;
  • And another new cuff is also here

There's more on the way very soon. And I need to sell them all, because I still need to make multiple sales daily for us to catch up on the year [and that's just breaking even] and cover all the stuff still in the pipeline that needs covering [roof, more medical, etc.]. So: GO BUY! PLEASE! Links are here:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (Priority is that solar panel set for the generator at the top of the list; part of prepping for a hard winter. Next to that, Amazon cards are probably most useful at this point); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim year, this one already far worse than the last, we really need to get what's left of 2024 onto a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                 

Monday Photo Meditation: What Flowers In Fall

Photo copyright Wings, 2024;
all rights reserved.

Now posted at The NDN Silver Blog, it's a Monday Photo Meditation for the rare gifts that sometimes arrive in autumn. It's an image of a near-rainbow of blooms that appeared out of season, reminding us that what flowers in fall is cause for gratitude, and for hope.

The post is hereWings's main page is hereAs always, his photos are available in any of the usual three formats; simply inquire via the site's Contact formAfter a full year of extremely low sales and absolutely astronomical emergency expenses, we badly need to bring in consistent sales for September and the rest of the year, so shares are very much needed and much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.    

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The labor is endless.

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

That was just a half-hour ago; around here, the labor is endless. He's been dividing his time between cranking out work in the studio and doing daily chores, seasonal repairs, and winter prep outside. I've been doing the indoor/non-artist counterpart, which is to say, constant work chasing sales coupled with housework and the endless bureaucratic bullshit.

There are never enough hours in the day, I never get enough sleep [or any at all], and I cannot bring in enough income, sales or otherwise. I didn't bring in a single sale last week, and I was already down on the month; now I have to bring in at least two this week, preferably more like double that.

Recent patterns leave me, shall we say, less than hopeful.

The rest of the month [hell, the rest of the year] is going to be geared around making sales, because I don't have a choice about that. No sales yet this week, and I'm so tired after all the nonsense of this year to date, but I can't let up, because so far, we're not even breaking even on the year, and I will have to worry about next year's tax bill soon enough. I need to bring in at least on sale this week, preferably two or even three. And Spirit knows he's got a ton of new work up on the site (with a new naja pendant [hopefully up tonight], a new dual-strand cuff [also hopefully up tonight], a new big necklace to be finished shortly, too, as well as, eventually some new coil bracelets soon, in addition to all those new earrings, including those five pairs of Picasso jasper cabs from yesterday):

  • Completed just last weekend, two absolutely phenomenal new cuffs, here and here;
  • Completed the previous weekend, an all-new wristband, here;
  • One extraordinary new belt buckle set with an incredible Skystone, here;
  • Another new vintage-style cuff with a mysterious Skystone, here;
  • Three new pairs of earrings in his gemstone-bead series, herehere, and here;
  • Three new cuffs from last week, two set with incredible turquoise focals, one solid silver; go herehere, and here.
  • Six pairs of new concha floral earrings in the Earrings Gallery here [larger are garnet, golden rutilated quartz, and malachite; smaller are amber, carnelian, and iolite];
  • Art Deco Labradorite cuff here 
  • Triangle wire youth bangle here
  • Art Nouveau vine pattern-wire youth bangle here
  • Small Art Nouveau pattern-wire bangle pair here
  • Malachite butterfly/leaf-wing earrings here
  • A big solid silver classic cuff here
  • Ten new pairs of the gemstone-bead earrings are also up in the Earrings Gallery;
  • And another new cuff is also here

There's more on the way very soon. And I need to sell them all, because I still need to make multiple sales daily for us to catch up on the year [and that's just breaking even] and cover all the stuff still in the pipeline that needs covering [roof, more medical, etc.]. So: GO BUY! PLEASE! Links are here:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (Priority is that solar panel set for the generator at the top of the list; part of prepping for a hard winter. Next to that, Amazon cards are probably most useful at this point); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim year, this one already far worse than the last, we really need to get what's left of 2024 onto a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                 

The Medicine of the Autumn Skies

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

Now posted at The NDN Silver Blog, it's a masterwork for fall's shorter days and long shafts of low light set at angles to the night. It's an Art Deco-style cuff, an homage to the geometry of a century past and a perfect framing for the extraordinary stone that rests atop it, apt for this season when day and night conspire to deliver the medicine of the autumn skies.

The post is here. Wings's main page is here. Inquiries via the site's Contact formAfter a full year of extremely low sales and absolutely astronomical emergency expenses, we badly need to bring in consistent sales for September and the rest of the year, so shares are very much needed and much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.        

Saturday, September 14, 2024

All the signs of a hard winter ahead.

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

That was late this morning. A few more puffy white clouds, a difference in the angle of the light, but that's all that's changed since. It's a beautiful day. Then again, this is our most beautiful time of year. 

You can't see it in this shot, but the aspen line started going gold three days ago. That's virtually a whole month early. We really are showing all the signs of a hard winter ahead.
Of course, here, "hard" = "good" when talking about winter. We need the cold and the heavy snow. But my task right now is to make sure it's not a hard winter in the other sense, meaning monetarily, and right now, I'm not doing very well at it. No sale so far this week, and I really do still need to make at least one sale between now and tonight. I'm already down on the month.

The rest of the month [hell, the rest of the year] is going to be geared around making sales, because I don't have a choice about that. No sales yet this week, and I'm so tired after all the nonsense of this year to date, but I can't let up, because so far, we're not even breaking even on the year, and I will have to worry about next year's tax bill soon enough. I need to bring in at least on sale this week, preferably two or even three. And Spirit knows he's got a ton of new work up on the site (with a new naja pendant, a new big necklace, and a new dual-strand cuff to be finished shortly, too, as well as hopefully, some new coil bracelets soon, in addition to all those new earrings, including those five pairs up there in waiting):

  • Completed just last weekend, two absolutely phenomenal new cuffs, here and here;
  • Completed the previous weekend, an all-new wristband, here;
  • One extraordinary new belt buckle set with an incredible Skystone, here;
  • Another new vintage-style cuff with a mysterious Skystone, here;
  • Three new pairs of earrings in his gemstone-bead series, herehere, and here;
  • Three new cuffs from last week, two set with incredible turquoise focals, one solid silver; go herehere, and here.
  • Six pairs of new concha floral earrings in the Earrings Gallery here [larger are garnet, golden rutilated quartz, and malachite; smaller are amber, carnelian, and iolite];
  • Art Deco Labradorite cuff here 
  • Triangle wire youth bangle here
  • Art Nouveau vine pattern-wire youth bangle here
  • Small Art Nouveau pattern-wire bangle pair here
  • Malachite butterfly/leaf-wing earrings here
  • A big solid silver classic cuff here
  • Ten new pairs of the gemstone-bead earrings are also up in the Earrings Gallery;
  • And another new cuff is also here

There's more on the way very soon. And I need to sell them all, because I still need to make multiple sales daily for us to catch up on the year [and that's just breaking even] and cover all the stuff still in the pipeline that needs covering [roof, more medical, etc.]. So: GO BUY! PLEASE! Links are here:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (Amazon cards are probably most useful at this point); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim year, this one already far worse than the last, we really need to get what's left of 2024 onto a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                 

Fall Is Eddy and Spiral and Uncoiling Power

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

Now posted at The NDN Silver Blog, it's a work for those spirits spending their last days of the season with us now, and for the teachings and the medicine they share before they go. It's Serpent as you've never seen him before, a cuff in Snake's own likeness, and it reminds us that fall is eddy and spiral and uncoiling power, here to ready us for the winter cold to come.

The post is here. Wings's main page is here. Inquiries via the site's Contact formAfter a full year of extremely low sales and absolutely astronomical emergency expenses, we badly need to bring in consistent sales for September and the rest of the year, so shares are very much needed and much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.       

Friday, September 13, 2024

Better grab it now.

Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved.

I mentioned recently that because his recent pair of Picasso jasper earrings proved so popular [they're sold], I had ordered him five more pairs of earring cabs in suitably Goth-y patterns. These are they.  Click to enlarge and yo'll se the patterns plainly; that center one that grabbed too much flash actually shows long streaming ribbons of black falling downward from the top inner corners. They look variously like haunted tree branches, strands of a spider's web, or a mummy's bandages coming unraveled; you can pick your poison for symbolism.

Anyway, if one really grabs you, you better grab it now, before they're set and on the site on the open market.

::Sigh:: and I do still need to make at least one sale between now and tomorrow night. I'm already down on the month.

The rest of the month [hell, the rest of the year] is going to be geared around making sales, because I don't have a choice about that. No sales yet this week, and I'm so tired after all the nonsense of this year to date, but I can't let up, because so far, we're not even breaking even on the year, and I will have to worry about next year's tax bill soon enough. I need to bring in at least on sale this week, preferably two or even three. And Spirit knows he's got a ton of new work up on the site (with a new naja pendant, a new big necklace, and a new dual-strand cuff to be finished shortly, too, as well as hopefully, some new coil bracelets soon, in addition to all those new earrings, including those five pairs up there in waiting):

  • Completed just last weekend, two absolutely phenomenal new cuffs, here and here;
  • Completed the previous weekend, an all-new wristband, here;
  • One extraordinary new belt buckle set with an incredible Skystone, here;
  • Another new vintage-style cuff with a mysterious Skystone, here;
  • Three new pairs of earrings in his gemstone-bead series, herehere, and here;
  • Three new cuffs from last week, two set with incredible turquoise focals, one solid silver; go herehere, and here.
  • Six pairs of new concha floral earrings in the Earrings Gallery here [larger are garnet, golden rutilated quartz, and malachite; smaller are amber, carnelian, and iolite];
  • Art Deco Labradorite cuff here 
  • Triangle wire youth bangle here
  • Art Nouveau vine pattern-wire youth bangle here
  • Small Art Nouveau pattern-wire bangle pair here
  • Malachite butterfly/leaf-wing earrings here
  • A big solid silver classic cuff here
  • Ten new pairs of the gemstone-bead earrings are also up in the Earrings Gallery;
  • And another new cuff is also here

There's more on the way very soon. And I need to sell them all, because I still need to make multiple sales daily for us to catch up on the year [and that's just breaking even] and cover all the stuff still in the pipeline that needs covering [roof, more medical, etc.]. So: GO BUY! PLEASE! Links are here:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (Amazon cards are probably most useful at this point); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim year, this one already far worse than the last, we really need to get what's left of 2024 onto a better footing, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.