Sunday, January 11, 2015

Treetop Visitor

Photo copyright Aji, 2014; all rights reserved.
She sat on a bent branch atop a tree across the road
A late dawn sky opaque, leaden

Not even light enough from a wan morning sun
To show the colors of her feathered robe
A robe of rusty red, black lines and white patches scattered across it

It's a return, a stand of sorts
In defiance of the ravens
Who believe they own the stand of aspens
Across the road, by the stream

They tried to run her off two days ago
A mob, as though outside her window
Chattering, screeching, taunting, threatening
Until, tiring of their rudeness, she departed on the currents

But the red-tails, they come and go mostly as they will
Large, quick, powerful in flight
She and her mate know they are welcome here, and safe

And like their ancient ancestors who played ball with the thunder beings,
This sky, these winds, these fragile treetops are home.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. Primeau's Cobalt Cuddlebug of Happiness crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning at 11:40, wrapped in his favourite blanket, with Amy and I holding him and his companion sniffing and licking at him. The vet who had taken care of him his whole life eased him out smoothly and painlessly, and wept with us. We had deluded ourselves into thinking he might make it past this current episode, but his kidneys had shut down, and his liver was close behind. If you have any prayers for him, they may mingle with ours.

    1. An hour ago? Oh, hon, we're so sorry.. Prayers? Of course; you got 'em. We'll burn some cedar for him later today.

      Do you have a photo of him to post? Give his companion a kiss on the head for us; s/he'll be grieving, too. I'm so sorry.

    2. We have some photos of him, but never really good ones after he became an adult dog - he would either always turn or run or jump directly at the camera if you tried to take them. Amy had scheduled to have a sitting with a pet photographer this coming weekend, to try and get a portrait shot or two, but it was not to be. There are, and will be many tears. Neither Amy or I ever plan to have human children, and we had both given over our hearts to our fur kids.
