Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Going home . . .

Image copyright Wings, 2010; all rights reserved.

a week from tonight. Only for a week, and then I have to come back here to help Mom again - but it'll be so good to have that one week. This place . . . our four-leggeds . . . most of all, the love of my life. Soon.


  1. Aji,
    Beautiful work, amazing things.

    Did you make that weather vane? The Fence certainly is a work of art.

  2. Hi, Sam ~

    Sorry for the delay in responding; I've had a month-long laptop crisis.

    Miigwech ("thank you") for the compliment! But neither I nor Wings made the weather vane; I'm actually not sure who did. It may have been the same person who made the large metal sun between the panels; if so, it's a local metalworking artist, and I can get you her contact info if you want it.

    I wont be home again until the latter half of June, but when I get back, I'll see if I can find out who made it.

    Miigwech for stopping by.
