That's sixty degrees too warm. What we should have had is three feet of new snow at the end of December, and now the ensuing deep freeze where the mercury doesn't even hit zero at midday.
Sixty. Degrees. You want to know what a dying planet looks like? What an extinction-level event looks like? This is it.
It's not right, and we cannot let the murderous monsters who pretend to "leadership" continue driving us headlong to extinction. And that means ordinary people have to be willing to give their colonial ideas of entitlement. Stop traveling everywhere at a moment's notice. Stop flying. Stop driving just for the hell of it. Combine your trips to town for errands in a single day. Stop buying a goddamned new iPhone or Galaxy every year just because you "want" one. And for the love of all that's holy, STOP USING AI IN ANY FORM.
You're killing us. All of us. And so is your beloved "decent" president, who is a profoundly indecent excuse for a human being.
Here, we're trying our damnedest to take care of each other. We had to order a cord of wood this week, and the guy who sells it to us just knocked almost 40% off his price. Out of the blue. Just because. Ironically, we had already packed up a pair of earrings to give to him for his M-I-L, who's been going through a rough time. He didn't know that then, though. He just did it as a kindness, as had we. Folks in Pueblo/town/county are looking out for each other, because no one else is going to. This place is not dying, it's being killed around all of us, deliberately, and we're [all of us] the only line of resistance, so we have to make it count.
And it's hard work. It's endless, on every single front, but it has to get done, and for us, if we're going to survive? That includes constantly chasing sales. Because we have got to get 2025 off onto a better footing than 2024 was, and do it immediately, or we're screwed. I can't go through another year like these last two, but especially 2024, and we already know we have some massive expenses ahead.
And yes, I know we're lucky. The housing crisis worsens daily here. On that note, go here, buy something, or several somethings, off the outreach group's wishlist, and you will literally be saving a life, probably more than one. It's not really possible to overstate how bad it is out there, nor how great the need is. I've sorted it in their Priority order, but once again there's a new order of priorities, not yet entirely reflected in the list itself. This is from the organizer herself [I've italicized the three that I'm told are the most urgent at this moment]:
- The bulk backpacks - at least six 12 packs
- Pepper spray
- Bulk packs of work socks
- Whistles
- Money/document belts (look like tan fanny packs, worn under the clothing to hide and keep documents safe and protected.
- Bulk dog leashes
- XXL dog harnesses
- Chapstick
- Packs of wipes
The outreach program is giving gear out as fast as they get them, and being mostly housebound now, it's hard for me to get out to pick up any before they're gone. That's why I put some of those essentials on our own wishlist, with a note that they're for the outreach effort; soon, I'll adjust those priorities accordingly, too. Right now, they really, REALLY need pepper spray for the safety kits, and backpacks. I know a lot of people get weirded out by the idea of pepper spray, but if you're alone on the streets, assault of every type is always a possibility that's with you every single moment, and here, we also have wild animals that venture into town [a mountain lion spent a good share of the summer walking the streets downtown, and those of the nearby residential areas] This is a non-lethal way of stopping an attack in time to get away.
For us? SALES. PLEASE. THERE'S SO MUCH NEW WORK ON THE SITE. And I need to sell them all, because I still need to make a ridiculous amount of sales to cover all the stuff still in the pipeline that needs covering [laptop, roof AND now the well pressure pump, more medical, always prepaid taxes, etc.]. So: GO BUY! PLEASE. [Yeah, I know; I don't know why I bother, either. As I said, hope is a stupid, stubborn, fucked-up thing sometimes, even if it's also very thin and half-broken.] Links are here:
- Sales here;
- Testimonials here;
- Amazon wishlist here (Amazon cards are probably most useful at this point);
- Patreon here;
- Ko-fi here.
After such a grim year, this one far worse than the last, we really begin 2025 on a better footing before taxes take every cent, so please share all of the links.
All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2025; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.
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