Sunday, June 1, 2014

Announcement: Watch This Space

Image copyright Wings, 2007, 2014; all rights reserved.

Or, more, accurately, watch this space.

Sometime this week, if all goes well, we'll be relaunching our gallery Web site on a new platform with a whole new look. I'm told that it will be mobile-optimized, so the folks who use only smartphones and tablets will once again be able to see the content. 

In between everything else we've got going on right now, I'm trying to cadge as many hours as I can whenever possible to update the content, but it's a huge proposition. I can pretty much guarantee that when the new version goes live, there will be glitches and errors, and I'll do my best to take care of them in as timely a fashion as possible. When it does go live, though, I'll be asking you to share the link with your networks again; the lack of a fully-functional, updatable site has hurt our sales badly lately.

Oh, and if you're an artist type who needs a Web site to market your work, and you want something tailored for you that is both cost-effective and doesn't require you to become a coding genius (and if you don't mind working with someone who lives here), leave me a comment or shoot me a message. The guy who is handling ours is a local artist, in both traditional and digital media, and he's both brilliant and a really, really good guy. We've been working with him for seven years now, and he's been very, very good to us, and I truly cannot say enough wonderful things about him.


  1. this is wonderful news :) I'll be proud to spread the word as best I can!

    1. Thanks so much, darlin'! We really, really appreciate your support.
