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Photo copyright Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. |
A little new snow overnight. We even got a little down here, although on that score, by "little," I mean almost microscopic.
But it's something. In a drought like this, you can't afford ingratitude for any amount.
Fewer than four days to the new calendar year. As bad as it seemed back in 2016, now it's frankly terrifying. People are entirely unprepared for what's coming, politically, governmentally, societally, ecologically, every other way. That doesn't refer to us, incidentally; we have a pretty good grasp on just how terrible things are going to get. But knowing what's coming and being able to do something about it are two very different things, and all of the resources, access, and authority and control are on the wrong side now. We certainly have none of them whatsoever, just a lot of risk, and a lot of vulnerability to their bad acts.
I'm going to be very hit or miss about everything for the foreseeable. This time of year is always a slow-motion autoimmune crash for me, but there always comes a point where it becomes a hard and comprehensive crash, and I hit that latter point yesterday morning. I'm in agonizing pain every moment, and no, there is nothing to be done about it except grit my teeth and try to work through it as best I can [and the first person to suggest cannabis in any form catches a lifetime block; that shit doesn't do anything for me except worsen all of it].
On the plus side, we've made a couple of sales this week, and thanks to that and another friend, scrips have gotten got, and the autopays should be covered on the first. Yes, we still need that miracle [well pump, laptop, everything else], but the immediate gaps are covered, and for that I am profoundly grateful to all involved.
And yes, I know we're lucky. The housing crisis worsens daily here. On that note, in reference to the deliveries above? Also go here, buy something, or several somethings, off the outreach group's wishlist, and you will literally be saving a life, probably more than one. It's not really possible to overstate how bad it is out there, nor how great the need is. I've sorted it in their Priority order, but once again there's a new order of priorities as of today. This is from the organizer herself:
- The bulk backpacks - at least six 12 packs
- Whistles
- Pepper spray
- Money/document belts (look like tan fanny packs, worn under the clothing to hide and keep documents safe and protected.
- Bulk dog leashes
- XXL dog harnesses
- Chapstick
- Packs of wipes
The outreach program is giving gear out as fast as they get them, and being mostly housebound now, it's hard for me to get out to pick up any before they're gone. That's why I put some of those essentials on our own wishlist, with a note that they're for the outreach effort; soon, I'll adjust those priorities accordingly, too.
For us? SALES. PLEASE. THERE'S SO MUCH NEW WORK ON THE SITE. And I need to sell them all, because I still need to make a ridiculous amount of sales to cover all the stuff still in the pipeline that needs covering [laptop, roof AND now the well pressure pump, more medical, always prepaid taxes, etc.]. So: GO BUY! PLEASE. [Yeah, I know; I don't know why I bother, either. Hope is a stupid, stubborn, fucked-up thing sometimes, even if it's also very thin and half-broken.] Links are here:
- Sales here;
- Testimonials here;
- Amazon wishlist here (Priority is the liquid soaps and Amazon cards, probably most useful at this point);
- Patreon here;
- Ko-fi here.
After such a grim year, this one far worse than the last, we really need to end 2024 on a better footing before 2025 and taxes take every cent, so please share all of the links.
All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2024; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.
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