Monday, February 17, 2025

Now, if I could just bring in a few sales this week . . . .

Photo copyright Aji, 2025; all rights reserved.

Yesterday it was the bluebirds who arrived; today, it's the crows.

Of course, the corvids are here year-round, but they've been in the fields and skies all day today, apparently finding things that, similarly confused by the weather, have emerged thinking it's spring.

Supposed to be snow overnight again, though. The clouds are already moving in. I know most people would think that's an unwelcome development, but for me, it's always a good thing. Stormy skies are good for today, anyway; sixteen years ago this afternoon since we lost Hunter, the our fluffy girl who adopted me on sight and refused to let me go, and where has the time gone?

I've at least managed to get a few things under way that needed doing, too. The firewood order for the gentleman out in the county is arranged at long last. Wings is making progress in the studio. And my to-do list for this evening is a mile long, but I'm whittling away at it, one item at a time. 

Now, if I could just bring in a few sales this week . . . .

Because all the usual issues continue apace. So does the work, our own and the vocational stuff that we have no choice but to do. And, of course, the world is still on fire, they're still coming for us all, and we still have to worry about our communities, about our relatives [both of whom are disproportionately affected by this illegal "funding suspension"], . . . and about us. Last year was indescribably bad on pretty much every single front, especially sales. This year, already a month into it, and it's not appreciably better. I have GOT to make some sales, since we've had only two so far in this new year, and we're already in the second month. It takes at least one sale a week [sometimes more] just for us to break even on the year, and last year? We didn't even do half that. We're going to have to replace the well pressure pump, without question. Taxes are coming. Now we have a potential security issue, and I think we're going to have to hire someone to install a camera system here [the distance is too great for the little cheap cameras; this will require something a lot more sophisticated (and a lot more costly, natch)]. My laptop apparently will have to wait yet another year [assuming I can keep this alive that long, which I can't assume for a moment, actually]. So now would still be a good time to buy. TONS of new and fabulous work on the site, and tons more on the way, too. But I've got to sell something, for the love of all that's holy. I can't live with this level of unrelenting stress on top of everything else.

Links are here:

  • Sales here
  • Testimonials here
  • Amazon wishlist here (Amazon cards are probably most useful at this point); 
  • Patreon here;
  • Ko-fi here.

After such a grim year, this one far worse than the last, we urgently need to begin 2025 on a better footing before taxes take every cent, so please share all of the links. 

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2025; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.                                                   

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