Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lost Arts and Found Letters

Photo copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.

What Wings and Q spent yesterday afternoon doing. By hand. Not many people who can do that anymore. The rest of the fence gets repaired today, if the weather holds long enough.

My own contribution was wrangling six horses. Solo. Six horses absolutely wild with spring fever. Also done the old way, with just a rope. They're mostly pretty good, and I'm bull-headed enough to outlast even Shade when she balks.  Took me about twenty minutes for all of them.

A few programming notes: 

A couple of pieces are going up today. Found letters. The first is a repost of a piece I did last year as part of my round-up of Indian news, because today's an important anniversary in our contemporary history. An especially poignant one, for reasons you'll see immediately.

The second is one I mentioned yesterday in my piece on another poignant anniversary: that of the lynching of Trayvon Martin. This is one I wrote three years ago for the then-95th anniversary of the lynching of another seventeen-year-old Black man, Jesse Washington. Otherwise known and dismissed as The Waco Horror.

Both will post this morning, with minor edits. They may not be new to everyone, but I had to re-read them both yesterday, and it was worth doing. Sometimes we need to be shocked anew.

I'll be doing a lot of cross-posting of my old work: sometimes for context, sometimes for folks who missed it the first time, sometimes just because it's mine and I think it was done well enough to post. Of course, the same applies to new pieces, too: The reasons are many, and don't always need explaining. Some of them will be intensely personal, so fair warning. Some of them will not seem to have any political purpose, and they probably don't. But whether written in the first person or the third, they're important to me.

All this, I guess, is my way of saying that a lot of what gets posted here may make some folks uncomfortable. If it does, all I ask is that you simply return some other day, when the topic is less searing.

And, of course, as always, if do like what you read here, discomforting or not, and you'd like to keep it going, pennies in the kitty at the upper right are not unwelcome.

Copyright Ajijaakwe, 2014; all rights reserved.

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