Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Don't Miss Nothin'.

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
Hawk doesn't.

Neither do we.

There's a lot to write about, and I have several posts in the works, in various stages of completion. The most immediate stems from that putrid nonsense from the Oscar stage/backstage, but it's grown by leaps and bounds over the last two days.

The latest involves an attempt by a white woman who engaged in spectacularly rude and privileged behavior against both a Black woman and a Black man, in public, to mount a campaign apparently designed to lose said Black man his job. Oh, yes, there will be much more to say about this, and about the many tendrils and tentacles emerging from this whole nasty nexus of "liberal" racism. But time is short, and I make no promises that it will be finished tonight, or even tomorrow.

In the meantime, it's enough to point out that, like Hawk herself up there, we don't miss nothin'. Yes, we see what's being done to ourselves, to our friends and family members and colleagues. We also have long memories.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner. 


  1. Hi Aji - Just wanted to let you know I linked to your posts on Ensler in a comment on one of Chauncey's articles at DK on the whole Oscar's mess. Seemed to fit there. My thoughts are with you & Wings.

    1. AVILYN!!! [Flying tackle] how are you - are you staying safe in that weather? And did your package arrive safely? [My e-mail's getting bottlenecked again . . .

      And thank you, darlin'. Good to know someone thinks it's worth sharing. :-D And, yeah, oy. "Mess" is right. I've got more stuff in the works on it, but when I'll ever get time to finish writing is an open question.

      Love from everybody here!

    2. Yep, staying safe, just really busy - got a good deal on a used 4WD pickup with lots of miles that only needed new tires, so driving that to work, then after work taking it up to the old place and loading it up, taking it back to the new place, unloading, feed us & the cats, rinse, repeat. Not much time for anything else.

      I did get the package! :-D Love love love the barrette. The stone is freaking gorgeous! If I can work out a way to get a pic, I'll pass it along.

      Your stuff is always worth sharing; have your Catwalk Colonialism piece up as my message link at work at the moment since I don't FB/Twitter.

      HUGS back at ya! XO

    3. Oh, good! I'm so relieved y'all have wheels suitable for the weather. As to the barrette: Inorite? I toldja that stone was amazing . . . .

      Oh, and thank you for linking that piece. I don't think it got much notice initially, but maybe with you linking it now it'll get some more exposure for B.Yellowtail's work.
