Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
Some markers are lines in the sand, less between self and other than between soul and universe. Some are barriers, breaks against outward harm; others are openings to let the spirit grow and stretch.

I've had reminders and repetitions of both the last few days.

The day before yesterday was an anniversary of the barrier sort, a closing of a door, partway, at least, on one chapter of my life. Simultaneously painful and still a release, the original date, now nearly a decade ago, is a door that refuses to stay shut, much less locked. More, it's less door than open barrier, like the one shown above; the memories and the fallout seep in and around and through, despite my best efforts, periodically, at slamming it shut again.

It doesn't make for a good week, even at the best of times.

Today was a marker of a different sort: a reminder of what may turn out to be the most important day of my life, at least in one regard, although I had no way of knowing it then. That date goes back even further, and it's nothing short of a miracle, a gift of Spirit, that it remains an open portal, one allowing for evolution and expansion, for good things. 

Still, lines are disruptive; they command attention and demand thought and memory. They require much, and what they give in return is not always welcome. 

Two days ago, it was a marker of a sun setting upon a life.

Today, it's a marker of the beginnings of emergence, of coming into the light. It has not been an easy climb, with many stumbles and even falls along the way, and while the opening is in view, it remains out of reach.

But for once in my life, I'm not climbing the ladder alone.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.