Saturday, May 3, 2014

For Cree

photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

This is Cree in better times. Now she needs help.

i'm ordering more of the practical items (supplements, etc.) that she needs right now, but it's very much touch and go. She had a flare this bad back in late December that we thought had resolved — until this last week's extreme weather.  She hasn't had another one this bad for such an extended period in probably six or seven years.

There comes a point where she can't be put through this kind of pain any longer. I don't want to think we've reached that point yet, but things are not good.

Beyond what we're already doing, it comes down to Spirit. So whatever you got in the way of prayers, good vibes, good thoughts, anything else — Cree needs 'em. 




  1. Sending healing energies Cree's way. Let us know if there's anything else we can do.

  2. We'll do a working for her tonight. I'm sure we can do that before game. I wish I could do more. Poor Cree; I hope she recovers quickly and fully and has a good quality of life for many years yet.

  3. Thanks, you two. She was up and eating earlier this evening, which I'm taking as a good sign.

    [Sigh] time for her to go back on her founder regimen from 7 years ago, I guess. I ordered her BtB about three hours ago; with luck, it'll be here sometime next week. I think we have most of the rest of it already. Farrier comes back in 11 days, so we'll see what she looks like then; I'm hoping there;s nothing adverse in the meantime, at least.
