Friday, May 16, 2014

Gnaw Marks

Beaver Leaves His Mark
Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.

If the soul were a tangible, visible thing, this is what mine would look like right now.

Too many weeks — months — of competing demands on our time and attention and resources generally. The last couple of weeks have been especially difficult, with pain of a variety of types being deliberately inflicted on us from certain sources. No, I'm not going to elaborate. Suffice to say that by last night I was so thoroughly wounded and demoralized that I was ready to chuck my entire online presence and participation in various communities.

But I can't. If only because there are people who need help to whom I've committed doing what I can. And as always, this, too, shall pass. I know this, but there are days when remembering that becomes damn near impossible.

I know that I have FB and other messages and comments to answer; it may be tonight before I have time to sit down and get to everyone. Today is going to be another day overflowing with tasks that must be done rightthisminute and more external demands pulling me in twelve directions at once and more pieces being gnawed out of my soul. There is nothing for it but to put one foot in front of the other.

There is one thing you can do for me. You can help my friend Bobby save his farm and his family. No, I'm not asking you to give money yourself, although if you can afford it, that would be wonderful. But if you're reading this, then there is one thing you unquestionable can do that will cost you absolutely nothing except a minute of your day, and that's to share the link to his GoFundMe page. We have a challenge under way for $500 in matching funds: If we can raise $500, that will automatically double to $1,000.

So please:  Share this link with every single person in your networks. You never know who will be moved to give. The weekend's virtually here, and I'd like to get this raised for him before people get diverted by their weekend plans and projects.



  1. aji - sometimes i take a "vacation" from the online to try to get the real world in order... (like that could EVER happen?)

    just know that as you take time to find yourself in the middle of the vortex, we are either with you there or waiting on the shore to welcome you back!

    much love your way - and to bobby, too!

  2. and, always, to wings and all the ponies, pups and other creatures sharing your life!
