Tuesday, May 20, 2014

No news. Have an earworm.

Sorry; too tired today for anything more substantive than sticking you with my current ear worm. I have no idea where my brain picked this up this time, but it's been running around in circles in my head for two days, so it might as well start driving you as loopy as it is me. Maybe I can get rid of it that way. 

Ice: No news. Which I'm stubbornly taking as good news. But if there's no news soon, he's in for another tubing. If that doesn't work . . . then it becomes very bad news very fast. I hate praying for something that I know is going to cause him tremendous pain and discomfort in the process, but it's the only way he's going to get better, so please: Pray for horseshit tonight. Piles of it.

That would be, you know, fucking awesome.


  1. praying for piles and piles. hope you are getting at least a little rest. holding you all so close, Bobby

  2. Dear Aji, Ice, you and wings are still here in my thoughts and prayers. please call if there is any new news. all my love, Bobby
