Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Ice Chronicles: He Might Actually Make It

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
This was our boy yesterday.

Yeah, he looks pretty mellow, but look at the bloating and the prominent spine. What the photo doesn't show is the amount of pain in his eyes. He was even worse this morning. Unfortunately, this is one of those situations where pain is actually often a good sign that things are doing what they should be doing.

And this is him this morning:

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
Yeah, he looks a little sleepy there; he was still sedated, and more than a little confused by the contraption that turned his stall into a hospital room.  But within five minutes, the electrolytes were already kicking in, treating the dehydration — and thus, also treating the fatigue and the lack of alertness.

Still not a whole lot of movement, but some. The vet will be back early this evening to hang bags (he has four of them going simultaneously) that will last him through the night.

And she finally admitted today what we all secretly knew: He should not be with us today; in fact, he should've been gone a week or so ago. But he has an incredible will to live, and he does not want to leave his loved ones, and before she drove off, she said, "I think he might actually make it."

More later.


  1. that was sani's father - he should have not been there - had two major surgeries, a third to repair the hernia from those two = was skin and bones but his will to live was overpowering all the physical - spartacus was on iv's for five weeks - NO external food or water - and every morning he woke up with his eye locked on the knothole missing to the mare's stall next to him - and he "saluted" her each morning. ;)

    he survived removal of one testicle to have more sperm than any other stallion on the premises and sired many more youngsters after that!

    ICE! GOOD boy! this will change you forever with your forever family - this is how trust is solidified! now get those poops UNsolidified! <3

  2. Such good news. I'll continue to send healing thoughts your way.

  3. please tell Ice he has a baby brother, maybe that will make him smile :O) I'm so thrilled at his remarkable will to live, what a heart!!!!! I know he still has a ways to go, but this is most excellent news, Aji. hope you're getting rest.

    I'll send pics in the morning when there's better light, you'll have to do with this useless shot for now :O) Ana is a mommy, Ana is a mommy! didn't want to say anything until I knew all was well. __________ was born at 4:20am, so now you have two sweet silky noses giving you kisses on both cheeks :O)


    1. That is such exciting news! Congratulations! hu

  4. if there's a way to put pics in comments, please let me know :O)

  5. Aww, Bobby, he's beautiful! Congrats!

    And Aji, so glad to hear the vet has changed her mind and agrees with the rest of us that Ice is going to make it. :-D Hope the evening visit went well, and looking forward to hearing more progress updates. Continuing to send healing energies his way.

    1. made me smile, Avilyn, "so glad to hear the has changed her mind..." sending all my love to brave Ice

    2. and thanks, our new boy is something else :O)

  6. I've been thinking of poor Ice and hoping for good news. I'm sending all my best hopes and wishes and my strong feelings of certainty that Ice will pull through. He's not ready to leave yet, IMO. hu

    1. I'm with you, Deborah, he's not ready to leave yet. what an amazing heart (((((((( Ice ))))))))
