Monday, May 19, 2014

The Ice Chronicles: Saving Our Tough Guy

Photo copyright Wings, 2014; all rights reserved.
It's still very much touch and go, and we still don't know for sure that he'll make it. But things look better than they did yesterday.

I will not ruin everyone's dinner with the kind of play-by-play that only someone fighting to save a horse's life would appreciate.  Suffice to say that, unlike yesterday, he has gut sounds from all four quadrants, which indicates movement; his heart and respiratory rates are lower; his gums are ever so slightly paler, though still toxic; and there's been a small amount of fluid passage. He's somewhat interested in water again, and fresh [blade] grass, and he handled the vet visit — and the mineral-oil tubing — like a champ. [She didn't get here until around 4PM, because she had a couple of morning emergencies go sideways, apparently. Yes — it's colic season. In a big frickin' way.]

At any rate, we continue as we are for now. No Epsom salts for him; too dangerous. And no, don't ask me about the bill; I have no frickin' clue what or how. We'll deal with that when it gets here. I've walked I don't know how many miles with him over the last three days, both literally and metaphorically. Trouble is, it's all around and around in a circle in the pen. Well, my tan's kicked in pretty thoroughly. I'll also no doubt be up again at 4:30 in the morning to check on him. 

But he's got a hell of a will to live, so what we need now is gut movement (and some softening/solubility would seriously help, too). She says it's likely that this was already well under way when he showed up here, abandoned, starving, and dehydrated, on Christmas Eve. It says a lot about his overall soundness in the face of abuse and neglect, and his willingness to fight to survive, that he's managed to do so well for so long. So I'm exhausted, I've expended a lot of tears, but I'm hopeful.

Please, just keep those prayers and vibes and candles and so forth comin', folks. He's not anywhere remotely close to being out of the woods, but I'm convinced we can get him there.

Chi miigwech and ta'a, from me, from Wings, and from Ice.


  1. I'm going to enlist my friend Deb. It is she to whom we gave Wings' anticlastic horse bracelet four years ago and she to whom we gave Ned Archuleta's running horse sculpture last year (I think it was last year). She knows and loves horses dearly, as much as or even more than dogs and cats. She's great at sending out energy. Ice needs her connection to horses and to you via Wings' and Mr. Archuleta's work. Calling her right now. We will continue sending energy ourselves. We have a candle burning on the altar for Ice.

  2. Thank you for the update; continuing to send healing energies to Ice. Make sure to take care of yourself too. Sending much love to you all.

  3. Thinking of you all, and sending healing thoughts to Ice. ♥

  4. aji - does he like when you breathe softly near his neck - like a soft wind?

  5. he said i talked too fast and too much - he was "resting" - but he was okay with my flooding him with words.

    i told him nimbus will be near him for support - he is there now.

  6. Aj, lighting a candle to add with River's. holding you all so close to my heart. warm, healing light to precious Ice
