Thursday, December 24, 2015

A little Christmas Eve verse from the rez

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.

[With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore, but I can't with these horses some days. Like today. By the time they were done trying to break each other's bones, this was forming in my head while I was mucking out stalls.] 

'T'was the day before Christmas
And these horses ain't shit
High on alfalfa
Now it really gets lit

One's trying to colic
It's the weather, I guess
One's got sand in his gut
And he's making a mess

One is a troll
She likes starting fights
She picked the wrong one, though
He near put out her lights

So they buck and they pitch
And they bite and they kick
One comes up limping
At least she's not sick

I in my muck boots
Out shoveling shit
I've had it with them
And Santa's snake-bit

Out Cree and out Shade
Out Miskwaki and Ice
Get outta my face
Y'all ain't worth the price

And I heard Santa say
As he gave 'em a pass
No Merry Christmas to y'all
You're a pain in the ass.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. Sorry the horses were giving you trouble, but your poem made me laugh! Merry Christmas to you & Wings.

    1. LOL - good! That's what it was supposed to do. Although I admit to swearing a blue streak at them yesterday. But I caught Cree before she colicked fully and got her Banamined. Ice is at a new layer of the sand in his gut, so it'll just take some time (yesterday was the 2-year anniversary of his arrival, BTW). And the two trolls have walked off their respective limps and are back to being snotty to each other. Everyone's mellow this morning, so it's all good.

      Merry Christmas, darlin'!
