Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Soft Dawn of Autumn

Photo copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved.
Now posted at The NDN Silver Blog, it's one of my absolute favorites among Wings's current body of work, a piece that's been calling to me for days. I had thought, for the first official day of Autumn, to feature something more fiery and Fall-like in color, but as you'll see from the post, this one turns out be especially apt for this place on this particular morning. When something speaks to me so insistently, I have learned to listen; perhaps it's time for this work to find its home.

The post itself is here. Wings's main page is here. Inquiries via the Contact form. As always, shares of the site links are much needed and much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. Such a beautiful piece. (I originally typo'd that as 'peace'; I should have left it). ;-)

    The final package says it was delivered, btw; much earlier than the original Friday estimate I was given.


    1. YES!!! I meant to let you know last night, and got sidetracked. I didn't even realize there was a third box - that jug is HUGE, so I think Ice is probably good on that one until the end of the year, or at least close to it. THANK YOU!!!

  2. Yay, that's awesome! :-D I have a soft spot for Ice .. and Miskwaki and all the others. Glad to be able to help. {{{hugs}}}
