Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Voice of Dreams and Visions

Photo copyright Wings, 2015; all rights reserved.
Now posted at The NDN Silver Blog, it's the concluding entry in this week's Wednesday/Weekend series, this time looking at Wings's current work through the lens of dreams and visions and the messengers who deliver them. Of all the rings in our current inventory, this one is by far my favorite (and it already fits my thin fingers perfectly, which makes me covet it personally all the more). But it is the symbolism that speaks most insistently to my spirit. If you read the post, you'll begin to understand why.

The post itself is here. Wings's main page is here. As always, shares of the site links are much needed and much appreciated.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. Hopefully you'll be dreaming more comfortably soon. I just got a tracking notice, with an expected delivery date to your PO Box of Thursday the 17th. Any chance of getting the corrected link to your Amazon wishlist?

    1. OMG, I'm so excited! I haven't had a real night's sleep in months;; if this works, I'm going to be forever in your debt. THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

      Yes, the Amazon link is now in the post (when I'm logged in, it takes me to a different URL than what other people see, apparently, which I guess was why the redirect to the generic page). It's also here:

    2. Thanks. Some of those items seem oddly pricey through Amazon. Are you tied to those brands, or would other brands for things like the vitamin c crystals or the 400iu vitamin e softgels be acceptable? Obviously, if I can find less expensive ones, I can send more of the items.

    3. Oh, and I was about to say you could take the power adapter off your wishlist, but it looks like it automatically does that when you order through amazon. That should arrive sometime between the 17th and 22nd.

    4. Oh, bless you! Mine has been duct-taped for a year, and a couple of days ago, I find a new break in the casing half-way down the length of the cord, and that's when i decided just to throw it on there. It still shows as there for me, so I'll see if I can delete it manually from the list.

      As to the supplements, I dunno - it's all been trial and error. The two Bluebonnet ones and the bilberry are all what we're using to help keep She-Wolf's glucose in check and save her eyesight. In November, it'll be two years since her DX, and at that time, the vet told us to expect her to be fully blind within 2 months, and she's still got her sight. The cataracts are growing, of course, but slowly. The Bluebonnet is pricey here, too, but it's by no means the most expensive; everything along those lines is ridiculously high in this town, because their target market is extremely wealthy white transplants who don't blink at the cost of anything "holistic." We just settled on that as seeming to work best compared to what else is available here in town, but that doesn't mean the stuff you have access to won't work as well; like I said, it's all trial and error anyway. And the bilberry isn't even the same brand anyway, because that's a local manufacturer here, and it's much higher proportionally than the one I listed (here, we can only get 1-oz. bottles). So [shrug] I don't know any reason why certain others would work; for the list, I just went, to the extent possible, with what we're already familiar with in terms of results to the extent possible.
