Thursday, June 28, 2018

Fires in our back yard; lots of smoke, but no rain. Sales and subscribers and shares all badly needed now.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.
No official update yet today on the nearby Sardinas Canyon Fire; we spent last night choking on the smoke, and thus got very little sleep. That up there in the photo? That's this morning, right freaking now, about two miles down the road around the curve from us. No, I have no idea what caused it (although the smart money would be on human recklessness), and I have no idea how under control it is at this moment, but people need to wise up fast, because this is literally our back yard, so to speak. It's 92 degrees and climbing, no rain in the forecast, a veil of smoke everywhere, breathing is labored, and between idiocy and our local arsonist, we have to worry about the whole county going up in flames. [Yes, there's a serial arsonist here who's been setting roadside grass fires for weeks, as though this place weren't enough of a tinderbox already.] 

I posted two new pieces by Wings yesterday here and here; I'll have a third later today, and I'll highlight them all here in a separate post then. Between the heat and the smoke affecting my breathing adversely and the acute nerve pain and loss of function in my hand and wrist, I'm going top be slow and mostly useless for the foreseeable future. Here are the links and a request to share them, because without more sales and Patreon subscribers I honestly don't know how we get through this:
A special thank-you to the folks from recent days who have now made it possible to get the truck fixed. The parts are on order and Philip expects to be able to work on it next week. so we may have it running again relatively soon.  

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.

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