Tuesday, June 12, 2018

New resident. Ninety-six degrees, and not a hint of rain. Still one-handed. Sales, subscribers, and shares very much still needed.

Photo copyright Aji, 2018; all rights reserved.

Yeah, I know it's a terrible photo. You try getting a shot of something that moves that fast when you have only one useable hand, and see how well you do.

That's our newest resident, by the way: a baby ferret/weasel. A wild one, to be clear; we have not adopted a ferret to add to all the feral creatures that keep showing up here. He is very tiny, leery but inquisitive, and absolutely adorable. I've already told the dogs to lay off him, because he's more useful than they are. [They're great for keeping the rodent population down, and in a place where we lose people every year to plague and hantavirus, both carried largely by deer mice? Ferret Baby gets to stay.]

I am still coping one-handed. Some of the swelling has gone down, although I can only get one ring off yet, and that's with difficulty. I have a lovely spoon-shaped purple and yellow bruise that extends from the center of my palm up nearly to my elbow. Most of the numbness is out of my fingers, but the thumb and hand itself are another matter entirely. Per our horse vet, that's not micro-nerve damage, it's major-nerve damage. We'll see whether I get full feeling back eventually or not; if not, it's going to drive me completely off my rocker. Still. Having the tendon at least mostly intact and not having severed the artery are still a bigger deal than the numbness, so I'm trying to keep that in mind.

Tired, though, from doing everything one-handed and also constantly forgetting not to move it fast (even in the sling!) and having the nerves mutiny, so the rest is cut-and-paste. Wings has several new pieces in the works. Given that a new ER bill will be coming down the pike this week, it would be really helpful to sell Wings's new work, and plenty of the existing work, too (especially since there's no end to the dunning on the existing ER bills). New Patreon subscriptions would help, too. So anyway, since my klutziness has set us back yet again in a not-insignificant way, please share the links:
For today, that's all I got. Also? Pray for rain. It's ninety-six degrees with haze everywhere.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2018; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. getting rings off a swollen hand is critical. here are two tips that work without having to cut the ring! wrap the finger in saran wrap and wait for about ten minutes. your finger should sweat down. if the ring is still tight, wind a strong thread in a spiral around the finger and slip the end under the ring. then, you can “unwind” the ring by pulling the thread against the ring. did this for years when people had stuck rings. also, if you have castor oil, soak cotton with it, weap finger then use saran wrap! hope you are better soon!

  2. Aji, I pray for you and Wings. May your health and finances improve immediately. You are in my thoughts very much. I am just getting over some sick months of kidney infections, myself.
