Monday, March 28, 2016

Improvements and Slow But Steady Progress

Thanks to everyone who shared our YouCaring page directly from the widgets on the link itself since last night. Please keep the momentum going; you never know who will see it and decide it's a worthy cause, and they only see IT (i.e., the image of the project, rather than a placeholder) when it's shared from the page itself. We're only $100 shy of the $4K mark, and $600 short of hitting our target for the week of 30% of this stage's goal.

Again, here's the link. On the lower right-hand side of the page, you can grab the widget code, which will cause the image above to display (and auto-update) anywhere you post it. Thanks to everyone who's helped out so far. We just sent off the final okay on the basic blueprints this morning, so now it's on to specific plans for foundation, frame, plumbing, wiring, etc. It's getting very close now.

Also, for those wondering about Griffin, he had a much better night last night, going out only at 11 PM and a little before 6 AM (which means that I finally got some sleep). He's sleeping more soundly, too, although he's (naturally) exhausted at this point. After eating nothing yesterday, I'm now getting a mixture of raw buffalo and watery rice into him, with some flax powder mixed into it to try and help his lower GI tract. Fingers crossed that it all starts working today. And now, I've got to get caught up on thank-yous and all the thousand and one things I couldn't get to this weekend.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. rice is good! has natural electrolytes. I'm glad he's doing better and you got some sleep!

    1. He's sleeping through the night now (and during the day, but also more energetic), so I'm hopeful. Thanks, hon.

  2. So glad he's better! Casey sends all good thoughts to him - and I gave his picture a head rub.

    1. Aw, thank you, darlin'. Kiss Casey for us. He seemed to make a turnaround after this point, so I'm guessing Casey Medicine helped.

  3. So glad he's better! Casey sends all good thoughts to him - and I gave his picture a head rub.
