Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Please . . . just share the link from the page itself.

The post at Wings's site will be late today. Tuesday posts are by far the most labor-intensive, and it is far from the only thing on my to-do list today. The winds have been howling since well before seven o'clock (we have high wind warnings out for gusts exceeding 55 mph this afternoon), and that's going to complicate everything that we need to do as it is.

One of the things it "complicates" is simple existence, give that the winds are already shaking this place like dice in a tumbler. This is normal weather for spring here (even if spring isn't actually "here" yet, at least according to the calendar), and in this tin can, it's downright dangerous. Having survived it for more than five years doesn't actually make me feel more confident; rather, especially after the fire, it makes me worry about luck running out.

[Sigh] we have not had a single share from our YouCaring page in four days. I realize that everyone needs help right now, and there are lots of fundraisers out there. I'm not even asking people to donate — I'm asking them to take ten seconds to go to the page and share the link via the widgets there. Yes, I'm disheartened right now; I'm fighting more battles than I can say (y'all don't know the half of it, believe me), and the health ones are literally destroying me. I have to keep my head down and keep going, but there are mornings like this one when every next step feels impossible.

So please, can you just share the link? Because I'm really, really tired right now, and I can only spread it so far myself. I'm tapped out on that front. And several others.

All content, including photos and text, are copyright Aji, 2016; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owner.


  1. The one I shared an hour or so ago was me going to the fundraiser page itself and cut and pasting the location bar as my link. I don't seem to be able to paste the widget as a widget on twitter.

  2. The widget sort of works in comments over at GOS, so I shared in CUA (and included a direct link to the YouCaring page just in case the widget didn't work).

  3. I can't get those share buttons to work. Face booking a direct link instead.
